ANCR WG 20220831
ANCR WG 20220831
@Salvatore D'Agostino
@Mark Lizar
Sharon Polsky
@Tom Jones
Not Quorate
Discussion of current version of specification and steps to complete.
Action Items
@Salvatore D'Agostino to update blog post and provide link to ISO comments
@Mark Lizar to complete draft 8.8.5
Sharon to do end to end review and let group know when complete
Sal to share draft of FTC comment and incorporate spec into comments
Work with Armin to determine mailing list dispensation and other administration issues
Tom and Mark to work offline on OAuth work effort and provide further definition (Sal support)
Determine requirements and effort for GitHub repo.
Determine and provide steps for access to 29184 and 27560 to WG members.