2015-02-10 Meeting Notes


Feb 10, 2015



  • Pass the Laws of Relationships document into public domain draft V1.0

Discussion Items


All aware of Kantara IPR

5minMinutesSalQuorum was reached and minutes passed
25minLaws of Relationships paperIan

The first deliverable is ready to place into public draft status. Various comments have been made on the draft (see previous minutes) which Ian willl take into consideration, but wants to release this draft into public domain and add in comments in future drafts.

Ian proposed that the group moves V0.5 into public draft V1.0.

No objection to this - proposal moved.

Sal will let Kantara leadership council know.

Ian then proposed the next moves for the document and futures.

  1. Examine the laws as they stand to see if they are fit for purpose and cover all scenarios
  2. Look at creating an evaluation / advisory tool out of the laws. For example, this tool would allow an organisation to evaluate how well their solution set adheres to the Laws and will make suggestions for outcomes of adherence/non-adherence

These points are for ongoing group discussion

1 and 2 are not neccassarily in order and can be done in unison. Ian suggested that we start on 2 first, taking out a single law and creating an advisory around that.

As an action item, group members should look at the laws pulling out single, or sets of laws, and analyse for relevance/ommisions, etc.

10minWhat is IRM paperBill

In the last sub-committee meeting, Bill asked members to send in a paragrpah on thier take of 'What is IRM?". He has now collated all of those and we will be looking at common themes in the set to use to create an overall group statement on "What is IRM"

Next meeting is this comingĀ  Friday

10minSocial MediaSusan

The Linkedin gorup is now active and has over 50 members. Susan asked members to try and put relevant posts up to help with the discussion around the IRM pillars and ultimately (once released) the Laws paper. Already discussion has brought up some possible ommisions around the area of privacy and user centricity, althoguh these may be better reviewed in the What is IRM series.

Once the Laws paper is released, Joni will be putting out a press release and a blog post around it with links to the paper

Susan suggested at the time, we then as a group:

  1. Put up a LinkedIn post asking for comment on the paper
  2. Sal sends out a WG email with reference to the paper asking for group members to tweet its release
  3. We all tweet the release using our @IRMWG account

Sal will gollow up with Joni about getting ownership of the twitter account but woudl like someone from the group to offer assistance

Susan suggested that once we have something in the form of the WIRM paper that we should create a wiki page for IRM

Bill suggested that we create a logo for the gorup, but not sure of any group members who have graphic skills

Action Items

Salvatore D'Agostino - ask group members for volunteer to look after Twitter account

Salvatore D'Agostino - ask group members if anyone has graphic skills to create group logo

Salvatore D'Agostino - ask group members to tweet release of Laws paper once released