2016-03-22 Meeting Notes


March 22, 2016



  • IRM in the Wild Discussion & Examples - Working Through the Principles

Discussion Items

2 minsKantara IPRSal
2 minsRoll CallSal
  • Roll, new intros, announcements
4 minsMinutes/Notes UpdateSal

45 mins

IRM in the WildAll
  • Discussion of IRM in the wild - Consolidating the Use Cases
1 minOther AdminAll
  • Other Administrative, Action Item Review (not covered above) 
1 minAction Item ReviewAll(If not covered above)
1 minAoBAll
  • AoB TBD...

Action Items


High-level Topics Covered

  • Setting Non-Voting Members
  • IRM in the Wild
    • Discussed Thorsten's Ontology example
    • Discussed Kim's SDID example

Detailed Meeting Notes

  • Thinning out non-voting members, etc. Need quorum - allowing three calls go by before changing again. Sal to send out another note about that as well.



    • SAL - IRM in the Wild Table - a little thin on the principles for SDID
    • Kim - yes thin because we were on different tangents
    • Sal - keep going through SDID
    • Kim - explanation of ecosystem being available - and concept of low computing power vs. high computer power
    • Steve - not sure how that IoT ecosystem fits - proxy between
    • Sal - have a gateway to communicate between devices, etc. - difference between sensor & cell phone - delegation is part of it - part of sensor being able to identify itself - getting into context & use case
    • Sal - quick change - edited previous date on meeting minutes - updated it
    • Steve - don't know that this is showed in GlobalSign drawing - connection between things and thing web services - what connection is and how they get locked down - very dependent on capability of things
    • Steve - more people whining - draw public attention to - any given entity have multiple devices which comm with respective cloud services - any could go away for any reason - relationships into the home - versus one proxy or portal that you as homeowner control and mediate - instead of fifteen different services
    • Sal - completely in that court - ID Machines is next version of product - playing with Raspberry Pi - sit between internet router and ISP and leverage UMA - do you really want Google to be your proxy? - drawing - there is more and not a given - thing web services may include proxies - you may want to do it before you hit the cloud
    • Kim - marketing diagram for sure - just to be aware - idea is that the "things" in the diagram are either direct communication - but also not represented is if a "hub" is present
    • Sal - Thorsten joins - welcome and fill in on content
    • Sal - in some sense all things showed in the cloud - that are not the provider - there are client functionality that you'd want to catch before it gets up into the cloud - e.g., Admin Stuff - portal - as user for the client app - need a little independence - challenge in general when doing everything in the cloud
    • Sal - going through the principles - conversation about how much computing power - go from certificates - to something lighter - other somewhat evolving lightweight crypto options - out there but not standardized - depending on computing power - suggestion is to change high-level row on table
    • Kim - change to SDID - low computing vs. high computing
    • Sal - actionable - again varies on level of computing
    • Kim - change headings to high vs. low
    • Sal - not needed - but seems "high" and "low" is fine - if want to keep certificates that's fine
    • Kim - removing certificates would be fine - not necessarily the end all solution to the SDID problem - fine to do it based on computing power
    • Sal - certificates are fine - revocability of asymmetric versus symmetric - go to revocable - harder to revoke a low powered thing - have to crush or destroy it - high powered easier to complete - revocable would then be "no" and "fully"
    • Steve - hit on something there
    • Sal - certainly important - provable - would be partial and fully
    • Kim - updating the principles in Wiki directly
    • Kim - looked up constrainable - is low very constrained due to restrictions? (Sal suggesting partial)
    • Sal - low power - may have to go through a proxy - fully at the start - but then during lifetime - you can network to it - but inherently the low powered thing requires proximity or connectivity - the thing itself is not able to be manipulated a lot
    • Kim - "set it and forget it" mentality
    • Sal - thermostat with just dial vs. with options and programming
    • Kim - acknowledgeable
    • Sal - sure
    • Kim - level of detail around each relationship - suggest Partial & Fully
    • Sal - fully acknowledgeable - breadth of what can be acknowledged is limited by the device - simple as "power is there" - think it is fully - limited by its capabilities - can't ask something to be more acknowledgeable than what it is - biological example - "book report from single cell"
    • Steve - struggling - spectrum hard to capture
    • Kim - spectrum is accurate - ping vs. data being sent through
    • Sal - different to being partially able to do it - reads definition - fails due to being able to "act on the other parties"
    • Action - Ian & Sal - get updated document of principles up and running
    • Sal - doing this to form how we manipulate the principles - go back to them and look at based on principles
    • Kim - actually being able to act is the catch of the definition
    • Sal - being able to exert control - need updated definitions
    • Kim - transferrable - suggesting "none" and "fully" - respectively - don't want the identity of the device to change
    • Sal - correct - change vs. transfer concept - ownership can change but not identity - moving up the list - Contextual - probably fully
    • Kim - should look at other three - (Im)Mutable
    • Thorsten - if you can't revoke it can it be mutable?
    • Sal - we changed the principles to be (Im)Mutable - both - immutability of relationships doesn't quite apply - half the story - changed it to mutability - you're right - revocable - if it isn't then there is some aspect of mutability in play
    • Thorsten - missing latest version of principles
    • Sal - haven't published the document with the updates - missing full information - thinking "partial" and "fully" - e.g., phone - change SIM card; Low powered thing - very low mutability;
    • Kim - powered on vs. powered off - there is a very low level
    • Sal - plain dumb sensor it just "is" - if it is connected - then could be on and off line - different than revoked - partial and fully
    • Kim - move to actionable?
    • Sal - same as others? - same for same reasons?
    • Sal - okay for scalable to be fully - cheap and lots of them - that's the concept behind IoT
    • Kim - has to be - whole point behind IoT
    • Sal - let's call it at that - completed both columns



    • Up to do elections again - Bill doesn't want to continue as Vice Chair - Sal happy to continue but also happy to let someone else know - not necessary to do nominations on this call - possibly do for next call
    • Sal - put note out to list to highlight fact we'll be looking to do elections
    • Quarterly Report - what we are up to in the WG - anyone wants to submit quote about why in the group  / thoughts about what we are doing - drop Sal a note about it - report only goes to leadership council - good for balance of Kantara to not have just a dry report
    • Administrative - new elections in leadership council - Andrew Hughes has taken over for Sal - Mark Lazar staying on - Sal now secretary
    • Action Items - updating the principles loud and clear - need to do that - but also wise to run through a few more use cases to kick that off - close to where we need to be for it
    • People to volunteer use cases - thread, add column, or bring to next call


    Thorsten - voting participants - what's required?

    Sal - raise your hand - updated list - move him to voting

    April 5th is the next call - Sal not able to attend - may need to have Kim arrange/lead etc. - heads up - in touch between now and then - keep regularly scheduled call

    Steve - out as well on April 5th - conference attendance - IETM and LURK Google for more information