2014-04-08 Meeting Notes
Apr 08, 2014
- Discussing Next Steps: What the
1. a standard specification - a common structure for consents to create a consent receipt, based on a consent map that links the structure and questions to legal requirements,
- a consent map
- A common receipt structure
2. A way to provision receipts - (Open Source)
3. A registry & proxy (registry): has to provide many functions: for - picking a personal cloud/device config, A way to independently communicate.
4. UX: We need a dashboard to manage pre- during, & post consent data - Consent receipt Reader to begin with.
- Trust Marks (our definition) - They all use a consent model if they display a logo or Mark of some sort. A mark is used for implied consent to provide assurance of the use of process and that can provide confidence to the user.
- CISWG for consent spec and consent map that uses the spec
- OPen Notice makes open source softaware for orgs to produce a consent receipt
- Business Model:
- Consent receipt specification can be extended
Tasks for funding:
- Extending the specification for legal jurisdictions,
- updating the consent map for legal changes,
- the process submitting to regulators for comp liane approval.
- Taking this forward to a standards body,,
(action) talk to data guidance, about costs for keeping above?
Develop a list of costs
- 100 K dev Open Notice - (software to use spec) - two people full time
- 100 K dev Kantara - two people full time
- 100 k Salary - two people full time
How much is this worth, does it open a market for privacy and trust.
Cost & Benefit
- the pain (of biggest lie) and costs (to everyone)
- the solution and benefit (the pain) and the benefits
How it makes value:
Leveraging - (my data) our own data - economics of data control
Compliance - UX - the core business consent receipt Kantara & Open Notice
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |