Portland F2F - March 10 2010

Portland F2F - March 10 2010


Paul Madsen
Sampo Kellomaki
Shin Adachi
Hiroki Itoh
Benoit Bailleux
Gael Gourmelen
Phillipe Clement


1) Possibile submission of ID-WSF to ITU-T

 Reviewed a presentation from Abbie Barbir outlining the opportunity and options.
 Sampo- seems a no brainer except for the work involved
 Fulup-cites a 2 year process for OMA
 Colin- do we have a sense of the appetie from the ITU-T side?
 Need to ask Abbie
 Jonas- is the liason sp[ecific to WSF? No
 Fulup-governments would like this. We could ask governments to indicate to SG-17 their support for the submission
 Paul- is SG-17 the logical place? Seems so
 Jonas- from a telco perspective, ITU-T is attractive
 Paul- what complication introduced by WS-Addressing references?
 Likely that submssion process allows for such dangling references.
 Update: WS-Sec 1.1 is being submitted to SG-17 so the issue is moot
 Categorized WSF components by submission priority
 - Disco
 - SOAP Binding
 - Sec Mechs
 - Authn Service
 - SSO Service
 - DST
 - Subscription & Notification
 - Interact redirect
 - People Service
 - IMS
 - Profile SIS
 - Interaction Service
 Likely need to identify somebody on WSF side to act as 'liason evangelist' within SG-17.
 Sampo volunteers as technical editor
 AI: work with Abbie to determine schedule
 AI: WSF Evo to identify the meaningful subset for submission
 AI: ask Abbie to send deck to WSF Evo list

2) TAS3

Within TAS3, Sampo has identified some extensions to WSF 2.0 that would be desirable

Next steps?