IAWG Meeting Notes 2012-08-30

IAWG Meeting Notes 2012-08-30

Call not at quorum; Agenda held until next week

IAWG Meeting 30 August 2012

Date and Time


  1. Administration:
    1. Roll Call
    2. Agenda Confirmation
    3. Motion for minutes: IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-08-23
    4. Vice Chair nominations
  2. Disposition of Comments
    1. AL3_ID_VRC#030 Record Retention concern posted by Mark Coderre
    2. Kantara IAF-1400 Service Assessment Criteria (Kantara IAF-1400 SAC v2-1)
    3. Kantara IAF-1300 Assurance Assessment Scheme (Kantara IAF-1300 AAS v2-1)
    4. Kantara IAF-1800 Rules for Assurance Assessments (Kantara IAF-1800 RAA v0-1)
    5. Kantara IAF-1100 Glossary (Kantara IAF-1100-Glossary v2.1

  3. Roadmap
  4. Outreach
  5. AOB
  6. Adjourn



  • Myisha Frazier-McElveen (Chair)
  • Bill Braithwaite

Quorum is 4 of 7 as of 28 August 2012.


  • Heather Flanagan (scribe)


  • Andrew Hughes


  • Colin Soutar
  • Joni Brennan
  • Patrick Curry

Minutes & Notes


Approve Minutes: IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-08-23

Vice Chair nominations


Disposition of Comments (http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/PQCGAw)

  1. AL3_ID_VRC#030 Record Retention concern posted by Mark Coderre
  2. Kantara IAF-1400 Service Assessment Criteria (Kantara IAF-1400 SAC v2-1)
  3. Kantara IAF-1300 Assurance Assessment Scheme (Kantara IAF-1300 AAS v2-1)
  4. Kantara IAF-1800 Rules for Assurance Assessments (Kantara IAF-1800 RAA v0-1)
  5. Kantara IAF-1100 Glossary (Kantara IAF-1100-Glossary v2.1









Next meeting