IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-02-15

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-02-15


Neil Clowes
Ben Wilson
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Joe Stuntz
Scott Shorter
Linda Goettler
Mark Lundin
Bill Braithwaite
John Bradley
Richard Trevorah
Helen Hill
Patrick Curry

Rich Furr

Anna Ticktin
Joni Brennan



  • Roll Call
  • Motion for minutes approval: 08 Feb 2012
  • Bill moves to approve the minutes as recorded with the change noted to correct the spelling of his last name in the attendance section. John seconds. With no objection, the minutes are approved.


  • The LC is ready to receive this final report and vote to ratify at it's earliest convenience. The IAWG is asked to send it expediently as its final form is also expect at ICAM by the end of the month.
  • Stakeholders recommend an edit to Line 56: update copyright year to reflect 2012 status.
  • Also, double check that all acronyms are spelled out in the introduction.
  • Helen moves to accept the document with the aforementioned comments addressed. Bill seconds.With no further discussion or objection, the motion is passed.
  • Action Item 20120215-01-Anna to make final edits to the document and send to the LC for ratification.


  • Scope: The auditor’s opinion of the IDP assessed to be provided to the ARB for the purposes of review and making recommendation to the BOT for approval.
  • Approach: Start with a redacted version of the Verizon audit report and identify the required components to be included in the IAF (AAS / AQR). Also identify any gaps in the report and include those in the IAF as well.
  • Format: The goal is to drive toward one report format that also allows for additional language depending on if the report is based on a period of performance audit.
  • A redacted version of the Verizon assessment is being created and will be sent out as soon as it is available.

Point in Time vs. Period of Time

Suggested language per discussion : An Applicant may be approved following submission an Audit prepared by a Kantara-Accredited Assessor at any time after the commencement of operations provided that steps are taken to demonstrate sufficient operation to the satisfaction of the assessor.  The Assessor report should indicate (a) the date on which operations commenced, (b) that operations were in accordance with Kantara requirements and the specifications for the applicant’s system, and (c) that the Assessor has been engaged by the Applicant to provide a full Kantara Assessment Report following at least 60 days of operation with a  focus on items that could not be reasonably verified on the original  audit.  If a satisfactory Assessment Report is not received by Kantara within  the appropriate time frame for each assurance level of Approval, the Approval shall be revoked.

Alternately Kantara recognizes that some CSPs will desire a pre-operational or initial operational review (a.k.a. “Day Zero” assessments). For those organizations requesting such a review, the following specifications on CSPs are mandatory:

  • Level 1 --  Kantara will provide a provisional seal for Day Zero assessments with the stipulation that the next annual audit will fulfill the requirement of the period of time audit.
  • Level 2  – Kantara will provide a Seal for assessments that receive a Day Zero assessment and that are accepted by the ARB as successful, with the stipulation that a full operational assessment be completed and submitted to the ARB within 180 days of the initial assessment.
  • Level 3 -- Kantara will provide a Seal for assessments that receive a Day Zero assessment and that are accepted by the ARB as successful, with the stipulation that a full operational assessment be completed and submitted to the ARB within 120 days of the initial assessment.
  • Level 4 - Kantara will provide a Seal for assessments that receive a Day Zero assessment and that are accepted by the ARB as successful, with the stipulation that a full operational assessment be completed and submitted to the ARB within 90 days of the initial assessment.

Balance of Stack Edits - IAF STACK EDITS

  • Did not discuss

5. AOB