IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-02-01

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-02-01


Ben Wilson
Bill Braithewaite
Myisha Frazier
Richard Wilsher
Rich Furr
Richard Trevorah
Joe Stuntz
Patrick Curry
John Bradley
Rainer Hoerbe
Nathan Faut
Linda Goettler

Brownell Combs

Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call
  • Motion for minutes approval: 25 Jan 2012
  • Rich  moves to accept the minutes. Bill Braithewaite seconds. With no further objections or discussion, motion passes.


  • The document is being reviewed and considered by the LC. Some comments have been received and will be discussed on their call later today.
  • Myisha and Rich will be on the call.

ARB update:

  • The board continues to review the Electrosoft application.
  • Additionally both the ARB and BoT have approved a motion in support of extending an invitation to the chairperson of the IAWG to have a seat on the board as an SME or in an advisory position. This will be a non-voting seat. (Voice, but no vote.)


  • Resources Required (RP Guidelines)
  • No progress.

Point in Time vs. Period of Time Discussion

Suggested Policy :

  • A day zero audit would be accepted so long as the IAWG could determine a future point to re-engage a period of time in, say, 6mos time.
  • Period of time would be set by the IAWG (a minimum - maximum period of time should be determined at all LOAs..).
  •     Proposed:
  •     LOA 1 - zero
  •     LOA 2 - 60 days to 180 days
  •     LOA 3 - 75 days  to 180 days
  •     LOA 4 - 90 days to 180 days

(Some language circulated during the call):
An Applicant may be approved following submission an Audit prepared by a Kantara-Accredited Assessor at any time after the commencement of operations provided that steps are taken to demonstrate sufficient operation to the satisfaction of the assessor. The Assessor report should indicate (a) the date on which operations commenced, (b) that operations were in accordance with Kantara requirements and the specifications for the applicant’s system, and (c) that the Assessor has been engaged by the Applicant to provide a full Kantara Assessment Report following at least 60 days of operation with a focus on items that could not be reasonably verified on the original audit. If a satisfactory Assessment Report is not received by Kantara within 90 days of Approval, the Approval shall be revoked.

  • Day zero would not be a default, but could be accommodated and potentially fee-incurring from the burden of a double audit (accepted but not administratively forced).
  • The IAWG will need to define "In-Operation" vs. test applicants
  • The SACs must be reviewed and addressed in order to further implement whatever policy the IAWG determines responsible.


  • Some draft language has been floated via the list for review and approval (captured above, also).
  • SAC and at least the AAS would need to be updated.
  • The group thinks there is still value in a day-zero audit at LOA 4
  • Richard Trevorah offers :"Any criteria in the absence of operation process then steps should be taken to demonstrate controls of the auditor..."
  • Patrick has liability concerns at LOA 4 with day zero audits.


  • Did not discuss


  • ETSI Mtg in Washington (Joint US / EU telco standards Institute mtg)
  • Time expired. Did not discuss.
  • Patrick, RGW and Bill Braithewaite request a return to voting status. Anna will update the roster accordingly.
