IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-09-06
IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-09-06
Minutes approved - 13-Sep-2012
IAWG Meeting 06 September 2012
Date and Time
- Date: Thursday, 06 September 2012
- Time: 07:00 PT | 10:00 ET | 14:00 UTC (time chart)
- United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842
Skype: +99051000000481- Conference ID: 613-2898
- International Dial-In Numbers
- Administration:
- Roll Call
- Agenda Confirmation
- Motion for minutes: IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-08-23
- Vice Chair nominations
- Disposition of Comments
- AL3_ID_VRC#030 Record Retention concern posted by Mark Coderre
- Kantara IAF-1400 Service Assessment Criteria (Kantara IAF-1400 SAC v2-1)
- Kantara IAF-1300 Assurance Assessment Scheme (Kantara IAF-1300 AAS v2-1)
- Kantara IAF-1800 Rules for Assurance Assessments (Kantara IAF-1800 RAA v0-1)
- Kantara IAF-1100 Glossary (Kantara IAF-1100-Glossary v2.1
- Roadmap
- Outreach
- Adjourn
- Scott Shorter
- Myisha Frazier-McElveen
- Colin Soutar
- Richard Wilsher
Quorum is 4 of 7 as of 28 August 2012.
- Heather Flanagan (scribe)
- Joni Brennan
- Andrew Hughes
- Patrick Curry
- Bill Braithwaite
Minutes & Notes
Approve Minutes: IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-08-23
- (Scott) Motion to approve the minutes, (Richard) seconds; no discussion, minutes approved by unanimous consent
Vice Chair nominations
- Call for nominations went out July 26, 2012
- Nomination: Andrew Hughes, for a short term (3-4 months)
- (Patrick) suggests that Kantara may want to consider how to expand IAWG leadership outside the US; a balance may be needed for the weight of NSTIC work underway in Kantara membership
- Need 2 motions: one to hold an election without a secret ballot, electing on a consensus basis, second motion to nominate Andrew
- Richard makes the motions
- Colin seconds
- Both motions passed with no discussion
Disposition of Comments (http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/PQCGAw)
- AL3_ID_VRC#030 Record Retention concern posted by Mark Coderre
- (Richard) agree with Mark's suggestion; note that we are talking about records of the verification and revocation process
- (Myisha) the proposed language may not be specific enough for auditors? (Richard) yes; (Myisha) does this drop us out of alignment with the FICAM requirements? (Richard) no, because if they are going for FICAM compliance, they are invoking those obligations on their own; (Scott) if they claims they are making satisfy the jurisdictional requirements of their area, this works;
- (Myisha) blanket Kantara approval without looking at a profile is possibly problematic; (Richard) if we go down that path, we'll have to be explicit for every possible legal requirement; maybe we shoudl require if they are claiming any additional considerations or requirements, they have to include this in their public statements; (Joni) it is already public, for when we make an approval, we make explict what additional documents or criteria were applied; why would this just not go in the additional FICAM criteria by Kantara to make sure this is applied?
- (Colin) this should go in an updated requirements document, since this came in after the 45-day review period; (Richard) do we have to park any further changes in any part of this revision or are we empowered/willing to accept injection of further changes at this late stage in to present updates; (Joni) should the group decide to create a set of changes after comment period, they do not have to go back for another full review by membership, if there are IP considerations however introduced by the changes, that is where we should be cautious; (Myisha) given the relationship between the ARB and the IAWG, we can expect more regular comments outside of the official Comment Period and it is good to separate out the 45-day comments and the ARB comments for now, but we need to consider how we're going to handle this going forward when it may be a significant change via the ARB; (Richard) reasonable to defer formal proposition of this change though since we've discussed it this much we should finish the text; consensus was to defer incorporation of this comment until the next iteration of the document set as it was injected in to the process after the 45 day review period
- What is the method to track the outside issues coming in for comments beyond formal Disposition of Comments? HF to start tracking, will require an index to track the version of the doc that is being
- (Myisha) likes the language that Mark included, that this would be added to additional criteria document and doc would be changed to Profile and Additional Criteria doc; Richard suggests adding "or by any form of other binding agreement or obligation"
- Kantara IAF-1400 Service Assessment Criteria (Kantara IAF-1400 SAC v2-1)
- Kantara IAF-1300 Assurance Assessment Scheme (Kantara IAF-1300 AAS v2-1)
- Kantara IAF-1800 Rules for Assurance Assessments (Kantara IAF-1800 RAA v0-1)
- Kantara IAF-1100 Glossary (Kantara IAF-1100-Glossary v2.1
Worklist item:
- create a state diagram to capture some of the definitions and processes which bind them together
- not discussed
- not discussed
- EU draft regulation
Next meeting
- Date: Thursday, 13 September 2012
- Time: 07:00 PT | 10:00 ET | 14:00 UTC (time chart)
- United States Toll +1 (805) 309-2350
Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842
Skype: +99051000000481- Conference ID: 613-2898
- International Dial-In Numbers