IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-08-02

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-08-02


These Minutes have been APPROVED by the IAWG during the 8/23/12 meeting.



Voter Name

2 August 2012 Attendance

Bill Braithwaite


Myisha Frazier McElveen


Linda Goettler


Helen Hill


Scott Shorter


Colin Soutar


Richard Wilsher



Ken Dagg

Nathan Faut

Andrew Hughes

Bob Pinheiro

Apologies: Joni Brennan

Staff: Pat Roder


a) Roll Call – Quorum was achieved since there were 4 voting members out of 7 on the call.

b) Motion for Minutes: Linda moved to approve the Meeting Minutes from 7/26/12 and the motion was seconded by Ken.

c) Agenda confirmation: Agenda confirmed.


Myisha sent out a call for comments on the Decoupling of the Service Assessment Criteria on 7/26/12 with comments requested by 7/31/12 (http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/wg-idassurance/2012-July/001310.html). Andrew sent the revised version of the document to the group prior to the call (http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/wg-idassurance/2012-August/001315.html). The group discussed many aspects of the paper including:

  • How it differs from the previous IAF paper which is under the 45 day review
  • Whether the word ‘decoupling’ is misleading
  • Whether it is meant to provide guidance or requirements
  • How it evolved from its initial focus on the pseudonymous approach.

Andrew agreed to revisit the paper and revert its focus from the realignment of the Service Assessment Criteria back to the pseudonymous approach. Several other work stream items and related work efforts were identified during this discussion such as the identification of SAC per assurance level per service, the assignment of SAC to one or another service provider, the development of new criteria to accommodate pseudonymity, and the alignment of the SAC criteria with 863.1.

Action Item 20120712-01: Andrew and team to revisit the ‘Decoupling of SAC’ paper and revise its focus.

Bob stated that he had received a call from a contact at BITS interested in the decoupling of the SAC work being conducted by the IAWG. He agreed to determine the specific areas of interest from his contact before deciding how to proceed with future interactions (such as a conference call with Joni to discuss Kantara’s work).

Action Item 20120712-02: Bob to continue conversation with BITS to determine their interest in the IAWG’s work.

3.      OUTREACH

On 7/26/12, Myisha sent out a call for comments on the revised version of the value proposition paper (http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/wg-idassurance/2012-July/001311.html) with comments requested by 7/31/12. According to Colin, no substantial changes were made to the document and it is ready for an IAWG vote. Since several members had already left the call at the time, Myisha suggested that an e-vote be taken to adopt the paper as an IAWG report.

Action Item 20120712-03: Myisha to send out an e-vote on the value proposition paper.

4.      EVENTS

Joni sent an email message prior to the call which stated that the registration for the Joint Meeting which will be held August 6-8 in Washington, DC was sold out. (http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/wg-idassurance/2012-August/subject.html#1316). If there are any IAWG members who wish to participate but did not yet register, please contact Joni. A bridge could be set up if any IAWG member would like to participate remotely; let Pat Roder (p.roder@ieee.org) know if this arrangement is necessary.


The following new action items were noted.

8/2/12 Action Items

Action Item

Assigned To





Andrew, Ken, Colin and David


Andrew   and team to revisit the ‘Decoupling of SAC’ paper and revise its focus.






Bob to   continue conversation with BITS to determine their interest in the IAWG’s work.






Myisha   to send out an e-vote on the value proposition paper.



6.      Adjourn:

The meeting ended at 8:03 am PDT.