IAWG Meeting Notes 2012-05-24
IAWG Meeting Notes 2012-05-24
Voter Name | 24 May 2012 Attendance |
Patrick Curry |
Philippe de Raet |
Myisha Frazier-McElveen | x |
Rich Furr |
Linda Goettler |
Helen Hill | x |
Scott Shorter | x |
Colin Soutar |
Bill Braithwaite |
Anil John |
Richard Trevorah | x |
Richard Wilsher |
Ken Dagg
Neil Clowes
Nathan Faut
Brenda Mancuso
a) Roll Call – Quorum is 6 of 11, quorum was not achieved.
b) Agenda confirmation (no motion)
- Chair Frazier-McElveen proposed a face to face joint working group meeting, consisting of the Privacy and Public Policy, Healthcare Identity Assurance, and Identity Assurance working groups.
- The agenda could include a review of WG activities, a gap analysis of health care and IAWG, and privacy implications for health care. The joint WG meeting could be co-located with an existing event perhaps in the DC area. The goals include the prioritization of work within each group.
- Chair Frazier-McElveen asked members what work items on the IAWG roadmap should be addressed at the joint WG meeting. The members suggested Relying Party Guidelines, Kantara Assessment Review (KAR), and Privacy Assessment Criteria.
- Ken Dagg suggested the addition of the attribute management and eGov WGs.
- The members stated that the joint WG meeting is a good idea, but timing may be an issue (summer vacations).
- Chair Frazier-McElveen will follow up with the P3 and HIA WGs to provide a summary of the IAWG discussion.
3. AOB
- No other business was discussed.
The meeting ended at 7:27am PDT.