IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-04-11

IAWG Meeting Minutes 2012-04-11


Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Joe Stuntz
Scott Shorter
Steve Brady
Richard Wilsher
Bill Braithwaite
Richard Trevorah
Brian Dilley
Phillppe de Raet
Ben Wilson
Colin Soutar
Linda Goettler

Patrick Curry

Anna Ticktin


1. Administrative:

  • Roll Call-quorum met
  • Motion for minutes approval: 22 February 2012, 4 April 2012
  • Bill Braithwaite moves to approve the minutes from 4 April. With no objection or further discussion, these minutes are approved.
  • RGW motion to approve the minutes as captured on 22 Feb. Colin Soutar seconds. With no objection or further discussion, these minutes are approved.

2. SAC Restructuring

  • Ballot discussion---final (updated) documents have been received.
  • They will be circulated in advance of the formal ballot by RGW.
  • The eballot should be launched on or before 18 April and conclude in 7 days thereafter.
  • Voting members of the IAWG are asked to begin reviewing this document set and prepare their vote.

3. AOB
