eGov Meeting Minutes 2011-09-12
*Minutes confirmed at November meeting (Nov 7th 2011)*
Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: 12 September 2011
- Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ (13th September)
Scott Cantor, Internet2
Colin Wallis, NZ Govt
Colin Soutar, CSC
John Bradley
Rainer Hoerbe, Kismed Health GmbH
LaChelle LeVan, Probaris Inc
Keith Uber, UbiSecure Solutions
Sal D'Agostino, IDmachines
Thomas Grundel, IT Crew, Denmark
Bob Sunday, Gov of Canada
Denny Prvu, CA/Govt of BC, Canada
Ross Foard, US DHS
Dervla O'Reilly
Fulup Ar Foll
Meeting Notes
1) Roll call for Quorum determination
The group reached quorum.
2) eGov Membership Status. New member intros (CW)
Derek Brown from TELUS joined us on August 4th. Welcome Derek!
3) Review and approve August meeting draft minutes (attendees)
eGov Meeting Minutes - 2011-08-08
Minutes were approved by John Bradley and seconded by Bob Sunday.
4) Work Item 1: Update on Conformance test plan planning options (IRB)
JB advised that the IRB is looking to confirm the SAML Test event for early 2012. There are several actions that Kantara eGov should undertake with urgency.
- Undertake a 'gap analysis' between the existing eGov 2.0 profile Requirements/features and any new emerging urgent requirements (Attribute Release wasa mentioned as an example)
- Undertake a 'gap analysis' between the existing eGov 2.0 profile Requirements/features and its applicable existing Conformance Test Plan
- Draft/develop additional tests for the Test Plan to fill gaps
- Submit a budget request to the Leadership Council (US$5K was mentioned) for professional services to author additional tests for the Test Plan.
Motion to action the Budget Request was Moved by JB, Seconded by Rainer Hoerbe, carried unanimously.
Action 2011-09-12-01: Colin to draft the budget request, circulate to WG for comment and acceptance, and submit to the LC
The remaining actions under this work item to be initiated via the WG email list.
5) Work Item 2: SLO (including Global Idle Timeout) use case/requirements for input into eGov Deployment model and cookbook (Fulup will update following his vacation)
Rainer and Keith are taking the lead. Keith had restrcited circ'd UbiSecure's approach to SSO timeout. Rainer had posted a white paper on idle timeout, and added that a vendor had indicated a desire to do a reference implementation. There is no intention to change the SAML 2.0 Core spec, rather to provide best practice guidance on alternative approaches.
Actions: 2011-09-12-02: Keith to extend Ubisecure paper to JB to inform OpenIDConnect development, Keith & Rainer to prepare a paper for the OASIS SSTC, and continue discussions with Andreas Solberg?? and Roland Maurer?? re this (Rainer and Keith: please confirm these are the names, and clarify this point..thanks..)
6)Work Item 3: Discussion: Attributes DG (eGov email thread collecting requirements) (Sal + all)
The inaugural meeting call is confirmed for w/c 26th Sept, where eGov can supply earlier email threads regarding requirements
7) STORK SAML 2.0 comparison to eGov 2.0 Profile of SAML (and CA IAS SAML, DK SAML, FI SAML, ICAM SAML, NZ SAMS?)..any input Kantara eGov?
Extensive discussion on this topic revealed that STORK SAML is at best loosely based on the SAML 2.0 spec set with all accompanying interop challenges that implies. 5 STORK pilots are known to be in play, (e.g. Swedish change of address with KALMAR union countries more aware of STORK from an academic standpoint rather than Higher Ed at large.
8) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board and sub committees) (CW/JB)
President has had to resign due to job change. IRB co-Chair has has to resign due to job change but other co-Chair has taken over.
9) Liaisons: OASIS eGov Member Section, KI's ISO and ITU-T's Liaisons
10) Events: Kantara F2F
Kantara Summit at SCA Conference, Nov. 1, 2011 in Washington D.C. (Sal speaking on eGov's behalf)
Kantara’s Open Source Support Initiative WG: OSS interop testing event at FOSDEM Feb 2012..any input Kantara eGov?
11) FYI: White Paper featuring a Govt Community Cloud (based on Fed Canada’s Cloud roadmap) and Kantara’s Assurance and Certification frameworks for securing federations:
12) eGov elections next month: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary….
13) AOB: Recent threads (SLO, invite for BoT members) etc
- Date: Monday, October 3rd, 2011
- Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ 4th)
- Dial-In: US: +1 201 793 9022, Skype: + 9900827044630912
- Code:
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