eGov Meeting Minutes - 2011-12-05

eGov Meeting Minutes - 2011-12-05

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 5th December 2011
  • Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 08:00 NZ (8th Nov)



Colin Wallis, NZ Govt

Keith Uber, Ubisecure

Sal D'Agostino, IDmachines

Bob Sunday, Canada Fed Govt

Rainer Hoerbe, Kismed

Denny Prvu, CA / Govt of BC, Canada

Thomas Gundel, IT Crew

Non voting:



Anna Ticktin


John Bradley (Travel)

LaChelle Le Van, Probaris Inc

Meeting Notes

1) Roll call for Quorum determination

The group reached quorum (6 out of 9, minimum 5).

2) eGov Membership Status. New member intros (CW)

No new members since last call

3) Review and approve September meeting draft minutes (attendees)

 Moved by Sal, Seconded by Bob, unanimously approved.

eGov Meeting Minutes - 2011-11-07

4) eGov elections: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary

Anna announced election results:

Rainer Hoerbe, Chair

Colin Wallis, Vice Chair

Keith Uber, Secretary

5) Early thinking for Kantara F2F Munich April 2012

Colin had raised the upcoming Kantara F2F in Munich on the mailing list, seeking feedback on a suggestion of having a panel on the single logout - session management issue. Neil McEnvoy was the only one to comment to date. Other comments welcome and participant candidates - respond to email list. No call participants have confirmed attendance.


Colin noted eGov profile changes and conformance test plan changes would be complete by then. Possible presentation topic?

6) Update: Collaboration on Profile Management: REFEDS SAML2int, a subset" of Kantara eGov SAML2.0 implementation profile.

Bob requested a comparison of eGov/SAML2Int. Keith will provide link to the mailing list containing comparison presented in the Finnish deployment profile, done by Mikael. (Posted to mailing list 07.12.2011)

Anna to start work to move the SAML2Int to a Kantara template. (First draft posted to mailing list 06.12.2011)

7) Update: Work Item 1: Review eGov 2.0 SAML Profile for additional features needed.  Review Conformance test plan to add tests for untested features (IRB)..John B 

John was not on the call, issue skipped for this call. FIWG expected to contribute to the review and review conformance test plan for untested features.

From previous call, regarding additional requirements, Canada wants Language (although this should also go the OASIS TC as a request for a profile), Austria wants Idle Timeout, Scott suggested tests for XML wrapping attacks.  

8) Work Item 2: SLO (including Global Idle Timeout) use case/requirements update  (Rainer and Keith)

Keith had circulated Ubisecure's approach to JB and SC after previous call. Based on short response, isPassive for idle timeout refresh sounds like natural approach.

Keith will make a page on the eGov wiki with the discussion of isPassive for idle timeout refresh at IDP, and a list of product support for the approach.

9)Work Item 3: Attributes WG update (eGov email thread collecting requirements) (Sal)

Second meeting of the WG occured after this call.

Sal requests submission of requirements and use cases here. http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/AMDG/Home

OASIS Trust Elevation technical committee is aiming to standardize the protocol for step up and wants to have a liaison with the Attributes WG.

They have raised the use case of attributes providers, where attribute providers have different levels of assurance at the attribute level.

Discussion re Attribute LOA vs Credential LOA - Bob is for the approach that reauthentication from a credential provider at a higher LOA satisfies most use cases.

Sal: interesting area that needs to examined more closely.  Relations to UMA also.

10) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board and sub committees) (CW)

Kantara Initiative grants Accreditation to Deloitte & Touche LLP, and, eValid8, and Approves Verizons Universal Identity Service at LoA3  Press Release

Deloitte has joined Kantara.

Web site stats have improved - more visits in recent weeks

11) Liaisons: OASIS eGov Member Section, KI's ISO and ITU-T's Liaisons

OASIS Trust Elevation TC was discussed, relevance for eGov stepup cases. Interested OASIS members invited to follow.

12) AOB: Recent threads

Joni sent a link to the mailing list: The OECD recently published OECD (2011), "Digital Identity Management for Natural Persons: Enabling Innovation and Trust in the Internet Economy - Guidance for Government Policy Makers”, OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 186, OECD Publishing 

The paper can be viewed here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5kg1zqsm3pns-en

Bob told that the Government of Canada Branded CREDENTIAL Service tender was won by 2Keys who is expected to use ForgeRock OpenAM as the basis of other service.

Next Monthly Meeting: (NOTE: January call only moved to second Monday)

  • Date: Monday, Jan 9th, 2012
  • Time: 11:00 PT | 14:00 ET | 20:00 CET | 08:00 NZ 4th)
  • Dial-In: US: +1 201 793 9022, Skype: + 9900827044630912
  • Code:

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