IDoT Telecon 2014-10-24 (no call)
IDoT Telecon 2014-10-24 (no call)
IDoT telecon 2014-10-24
Date and Time
- Friday, October 24, at 9am PT
- Voice: Skype: +99051000000481 or US +1-805-309-2350 / Alternate Toll +1 (714) 551-9842 (international dial-in lines), room code 613-2898#
- (Turbobridge call options)
Minute taker: Keith Uber
No call participants this week. Next call in two weeks time.
Outstanding Action Items:
Action item (Ingo):
“Block chains” seems to be a very interesting topic. Mattoe (Excalibur) is currently very active in this topic. Ingo wants to setup a block chain dedicated call with Matteo in one of our future conf calls.
Benoit sent a link about Google “Physical Web” https://google.github.io/physical-web/ .
Action Item (All):
Everybody looks at “Physical Web” approach and we discuss it next time.
- Keith Uber
, multiple selections available,