IDoT telecon 2014-08-08

IDoT telecon 2014-08-08

IDoT telecon 2014-08-08 (draft)


Date and Time


General tasks / technology review

In our f2f meeting in Munich we decided to have a closer look to different technologies. We want to find helpful features for a future Object Name Service / Object IdM. This time Ingo presented XRI to the group. A very helpful feature is cross-referencing. XRI syntax allows for having ids from different namespaces in one identifier. During the last conf-call Frank introduced the GS1 product code service.

Jeff suggested to the results in document. Here we could collect and describe desirable features from various technologies. But we should wait until we have few more.

Scott wants to introduce SNMP next time (or later).

Scotts Venn diagram

Scott sent his Venn-diagram to the list. In our discussion it turns out that relationship seems to be an important part of the Object IdM story. We should discuss this with the recently foundet IRM-group.

Furthermore Scott sent a link about SCAP Asset Identification. Here they have relationship identifier. This fits perfectly in our discussion about IDoT and Identity.

Action item review

Ingo wanted to introduce OASIS XRI to the group. (closed)


  • Mateo Signorini
  • Frank Mildner
  • Ingo Friese
  • Scott Shorter
  • Jeff Stollman

Next Meetings

Friday, August 22, at 9am PT (time chart)

Ingo Friese