IDoT Telecon 2014-10-10

IDoT Telecon 2014-10-10

IDoT telecon 2014-10-10

Date and Time



Minute taker: Ingo Friese


We discussed apart from „relationship“ -based discovery (something we discussed during the last conf calls and at recent Kantara events) a second “most-likely” important concept called “block-chains”.

Block chains are mentioned in various papers (e.g. IBM white paper http://ibm.biz/DeviceDemocracy). They are already in use with Bit coins or the Etherium service https://www.ethereum.org/.

Scott sent a link about certificate transparency (experimental RFC 6962). In fact the basic principle is comparable with “block chains” because it about tracking/auditing/logging certificates in order to identify suspected ones.

Action item (Ingo):

“Block chains” seems to be a very interesting topic. Mattoe (Excalibur) is currently very active in this topic. Ingo wants to setup a block chain dedicated call with Matteo in one of our future conf calls.

Benoit sent a link about Google “Physical Web” https://google.github.io/physical-web/ .

Action Item (All):

Everybody looks at “Physical Web” approach and we discuss it next time.



  • Phil Wolff
  • Ingo Friese
  • Sal D'agostino
  • Scott Shorter
  • Benoit Bailleux
  • Keith Uber