eGov Minutes - 2009-10-07
eGov Minutes - 2009-10-07
Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Weds, October 7th, 2009
- Time: 12:30 PDT | 15:30 EDT | 19:30 GMT
- Dial in: 1-201-793-9022, Skype +9900827044630912
- Conference Code 4630912
- Fulup Ar Foll, Sun Microsystems
- Scott Cantor, Internet2
- Andrew Lindsay-Stewart, FuGen Solutions
- John Masiliunas, Platinum Solutions
- Terry McBride, US Govt (GSA)
- Soren-Peter Nielsen, Danish National IT and Telecom Agency
- Bob Sunday, Govt of Canada
- Colin Wallis, NZ Govt (Dept of Internal Affairs)
- Joni Brennan, Staff
- Shin Adachi, NTT
- Robin Wilton, Future Identity Ltd
1) Review of Las Vegas F2F
2) Review of eGov Minutes from Las Vegas
3) Membership and Outreach
4) Election of Officers
5) Update of Leadership Council and Board of Trustees
6) eGov SAML 2.0 Profile V2 prep
7) eGov profiles of OID and IC - next steps
8) AOB
Roll call: 8 out of 29. Quorum not achieved
1. Review of Las Vegas F2F
- Kantara attendees approx 50 (similar to numbers in Liberty events in times gone by) and about the same level as the attendees (excl speakers and exhibitors) in DIDW
- Leadership Council discussed and proposed resolutions for issue of meeting Quorum (participation categories of Active (voting) and Observer, the reduced need for the secret ballot process when only one candidate for a position is nominated, the issue of seeking volunteers for work items before requesting funds from budget (this applies to eGov for the main work items - international eGov profiles of implementations of SAML, ID-WSF, IMI/IC and OpenID)
- Board of Trustees discussed strategy, budget, the emerging Assurance programme, outreach and membership
2. Review of eGov Minutes from Las Vegas
- This could not be done due to Quorum issues and will be held over until the eGov WG participation is split into Active and Observer in order to have a better chance of achieving quorum and voting.
3. Membership and Outreach
- A general call for resurrecting past members from Liberty and using contact networks of the existing 29 participants.
- There was a suggestion that the GSA could play a role to promote the membership, given the ICAM initiative and its relationship with RPs and CSPs across the SAML and IMI/IC communities (and maybe later OpenID), given the work program of the eGov WG is strongly related to that initaitive.
4. Election of Officers
- Colin was nominated, seconded and agreed to stand as Chair at the 2nd September meeting and was elected unopposed
- Vacancies still exist for Vice/Co-Chair and Secretary. Interest was expressed in the Vice/Co-Chair position and this will be further qualified. Offlist, Shin had earlier suggested volunteers be asked to take Minutes as in other SDO groups. Action 2009-10-07-1: Colin to expedite vice/co-chair progress
- Colin has taken the role of Vice Chair of the Leadership Council, the LC rep on the BoT and the Budget Prep Committee, and is involved with groups in OASIS, UN/CEFACT and ISO, so is max'd out. Without assistance, the progress of the eGov WG will be slowed because of these other committments.
5. Update on activities of Leadership Council and Board of Trustees
- The LC has moved from approving WG charters in the formative months, to issues of budget and nits with the bylaws and operating procedures. It still meets weekly.
- The BoT is working on strategy, budgets, the Assurance programme model with rumours of consideration of an Interoperability programme model. Co-ordination between LC and BoT is strong.
6. eGov SAML 2.0 Profile v2 preparation
- Kyle was not on the call, so Colin repeated the schedule verbalised by Kyle at Las Vegas. In response to Bob's question, Colin said he expected the requirements gathering phase to begin in November, ending early in the New Year. There will be a call for active participants who, as for V1.5, will form a sub group to drive the work forward. Colin commented that V1.5 worked well, with DGI facilitating, the 3 governments contributing and Scott peer reviewing. Colin hoped that given the response to testing on v1.5 (MS, SAP, Siemens, Entrust, Ping, Oracle etc) that a press release will be needed to motivate wider interest from both vendors and government deployers. Action 2009-10-07-2: Colin to work with Kyle on a publised timetable/schedule.
- Terry mentioned he wanted to see guidance on revocation in the next revision.
- Colin mentioned a problem statement submitted by Sverre Bauck (DIFI, Norway) regarding attributes in Certs (Postnote: and identifiers in eProcurement). He will circulate this for consideration by the eGov group, as either part of the eGov Profile V2 work or separate, after clearance from Sverre. Action 2009-10-07-3: Colin to expedite.
7. eGov Profiles of OpenID and IMI/IC - next steps
- Dependency on the GSA ICAM to publish profiles. IMI/IC done, and after discussion OpenID agreed was also publicly available.
- Discussion on a press release announcing these profiles, aimed at other governments and the intended work of the KI eGov WG on creating international profiles of them and a call to governments planning to deploy, to get in touch. No decision made.
- Regarding IMI/IC Scott asked if government deployers had a general expectation that Microsoft would deprecate SAML 1.1 for SAML 2.0 (e.g metadata). Colin said the NZ Govt had that assumption and he believed that had already been communicated. Scott socialised the notion of a joint statement to this effect from interested government deployers.
- Suggestion that the government of British Columbia may be deploying IMI. Action 2009-10-07-4: Colin and Bob to use their contacts to qualify this.
- Suggestion to approach the communities themselves. Action 2009-10-07-5: Scott to approach Drummond Reed of ICF re any knoen/intended eGov deployments of IMI/IC.
8. AOB
- On behalf of the group, Colin congratulated Soren-Peter for Denmark's great effort with the release of the OIO SAML spec suite. Soren-Peter briefly summarised the motivation for the work, its content, and its future.
Next Meeting
(To be advised, as it would normally be Weds, November 4th.....but
...Colin is at ISO SC27 meetings in Redmond, Washington and cannot Chair the call. If a Vice/Co-Chair cannot be found by then, the call will have to be moved).
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- Time: X PDT | X EDT | X UTC (Time Chart)
- Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022, Skype +9900827044630912
- Code: 4630912
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