eGov Meeting Notes - 2009-12-02
Kantara eGov Group Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009
- Time: 1pm PDT |4pm EDT | 10 CET
- Colin Wallis, DIA, Government of New Zealand (Chair)
- Fulup Ar Foll, Sun Microsystems (Vice Chair)
- Kyle Meadors, Drummond Group
- Terry McBride, US GSA
- Bob Sunday, Government of Canada
- Bill Young, DIA, Government of New Zealand 
- Shin Adachi, NTT
- Bauck Sverre, DIFI Norway
- Sion Camilleri
- Patricia Wiebe, Province of British Columbia, Canada
- Brett McDowell, Kantara ED
- Joni Brennan, Kantara Staff
- Scott Cantor, Internet 2
1) Roll call for Quorum determination [1]
2) Approve Las Vegas (F2F) Minutes, October and November Minutes [2]
3) Review status of Action Items Summary [3]
4) Review Officer Election status
5) eGov SAML 2.0 Profile V2 prep (please review email threads re this)
6) Discuss: eGov Profiles of OID and IC project - next steps: Step 1 Gap Analysis of US ICAM OID and US ICAM IC. Community volunteers please
7) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board)
8) RSA planning - do we get involved? Concordia?, a panel? Call for other potential activities beyond international eGov profiles
9) Kantara F2F Portland - planning
10) AOB..
Meeting Notes
1. Roll Call
- 8 out of 14 voting members (quorum) for Minutes only
- 4 non voting members
- Noted that moving the call back 30 minutes results in a complete conflict with the ULX call time that Scott Cantor was on.
- Action 2009-12-02-01: Colin and Joni to propose revised call time.
2. Approve Minutes
- Attendance of Bill Young in the middle of the call allowed us to establish the quorum.
- Colin moved to approve the three pending minutes to be approved per Joni's suggestion. Terry seconded.
- The three minutes were unanimously approved
3. Review Status of Action Items Summary
- 2009-11-04-01: Leave it open, still work in progress
- 2009-11-04-03: Cannot get a login page without joining Orange. Fulup to talk with FT/Orange re a video or screen shots, to make it possible for non Orange customers to view.
- 2009-11-04-02: Joni to follow up. Fulup will provide Joni with another contact (Peter Weiss?)
- 2009-11-04-04: Joni to follow up
- 2009-10-07-02: Leave open, DGI may be able to begin engagement shortly
- 2009-09-16-01: Leave open. Soren-Peter not on call to give update
- 2009-09-15-01: leave open but Terry will follow up Dave T's action. Colin asked if this was not possible then at least release profiles for internationalising, unencumbered with IPR.
- 2009-09-15-02: Overcome By Events now that the OIF JSC has released an RFI for this
- 2009-09-15-05: Leave open. Is on the LC agenda this week.
4. Review Officer Election status
Fulup confirmed elected as a Vice Chair as per vote in November
5. eGov SAML 2.0 profile v2 preparation
Colin recognized the need to start preparation. Kyle suggested at this point, focus on discussion/requirements, start drafting on February, continue to develop on March April timeframe for the next certification opportunity. Bob briefed the meeting that Fed Canada's RFP phase 1 goes into production late Spring next year Colin asked why we did not include LoA last time. Kyle said it was because the OASIS SSTC had not finished the specification and the 3 governments constituting the profile deployed it a different way. Work has gone to CD but not final at SSTC. Discussion ensued on LoA in metadata, how to deal with certificates and Bob's requirement for dual language (see later).
After the call, Bob kindly shared its URL at
In response to Brett's question on the lack of LoA in the profile, Bob said that there is nothing written on the Comparison attribute in the SSTC CD to be released) and the eGov profile would play a role in specifying this for government deployments.
He also mentioned Multilingual requirements would be important for Canada.
6. eGov Profiles of OID and IC Project - next steps
Colin had briefly reviewed OID and IMI profiles from the ICAM website and shared his initial thoughts on the call. He liked the consistency in structure between the docs. In IMI, he felt the use of SAML 1.1 token might restrict functionality (e.g. metadata) and the use of a whitelist might not scale in an international context.
Patricia mentioned BC Canada was developing IMI for BC. There were some further work to be done, especially for higher level assurance.
Terry said there was informal discussion to solve such issues jointly between SAML, IMI and OID, since there was no standard way, and there is no complete solution at this moment while pilot is underway for OID. He was not concerned so much about the use of SAML 1.1 token because the products which support SAML 2.0 token usually handle 1.1 as well.
Fulup said still better to have 2.0 token if we have stringent and better interoperability.
Colin advised that the outcome of actions 2009-10-07-04 and 05 had found that BC Canada, Netherlands, and possibly part of the UK government are looking at OID or IMI.
Colin re-iterated his call for vendors to step up to take this work forward, firstly with a gap analaysis and then with a comparison analysis of the deployments once there were published profiles of deployments outside of the US.
7. LC and BoT Updates:
Note that RFI for Trust framework from OID foundation: Due was yesterday on December 1, 2009.
Interop Review Board is still getting established but has 6 members. Colin proposed a sync up with an IRB representative before or latest on the next call. Brett suggested allowing the IRB some time to meet a couple of times and settle in. General agreement.
10. AOB
Due to the time constraints, Colin proposed to discuss agenda item 8 (RSA 2010 planning) via email.
Meeting adjourned eight minutes past the hour.
Next Meeting
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