eGov Meeting Notes - 2012-08-06

eGov Meeting Notes - 2012-08-06

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 6. Aug 2012
  • Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)


  1. Colin Wallis – NZ Govt, Internal Affairs
  2. Rainer Hörbe - Kismed
  3. Thomas Grundel - ITCrew, Denmark
  4. John Bradley - Ping Identity
  5. Alan Foster - ForgeRock (non voting)

  6. Keith Uber - Ubisecure Solutions

1.    Minutes

Non-quorote call. Minute taker: Keith Uber.

June minutes need approval. July call was non-quorate.

Minutes review not done due to lack of Quorum

New Members

No new members

eGov Membership Invitation Letter

What are the next steps:

Colin reviewed a mailing list from the SC 27 group to determine relative contacts, in order to make more personal contact. Intends to send a mail to the list

Rainer and Keith have sent requests to Fulup and Mikaël.

Rainer: How many of our members are from Europe? How many are from North America?

Should we emphasize to European invitees that this is not a US-centric list, as it may be perceived by recipients.

Rainer suggested including a note that 40% are US and 35% European. If not appropriate for the letter, a mention of the membership could be put more prominently on the homepage.

Joni: to be informed of suggestion

eGov Charter Repositioning 

Colin had done a red-line review on Rainer's previous comments. Ken Dagg had added some pieces.

Colin: Does the charter change require a LC approval? 

TODO: Contact Joni for confirmation

Colin will take on the task of applying the changes to date and it was agreed to have a ballot on the September call, for the members to agree to the new charter.

Report from Cloud Identity Summit in July

Colin: The identity space had changed from 'being a pimple on the backside of security' to becoming a central part of security.

SAML is dead discussion and debate

ID-WSF discussion also came from this and discussed at board level with both for and against  


  • transfer the IP somewhere
  • archive it
  • formally state what the support level is

No decision has been made

JB: theme of identity as the new perimeter. oAuth, API gateways, how to enable for the cloud, discussion on why don't we engage with the security people? 

Nat, Rainer, Colin participated in an inter nation track on deployments in different parts of the world. Rainer gave a EU view of EID vs other access methods. A presentation of the Japanese equivalent of inCommon. Identity standards landscape across the world was given by Colin, with a wrap on the current Australia and NZ situation. Slides may be put online in the coming week. Rainer has put his slides on the Kantara wiki.

Members are reminded to send Kantara themed eGov slides to the Kantara slideshare account. Rainer to ask Joni how one actual does that.

eGov SAML Profile migration to FIWG 

Migration of eGov saml profile maintenance and SAML conformance test facility to FIWG and future participation of eGov WG in those tasks.

JB: we need more people who are interested in the profile work to join and participate in the FIWG.

Rainer to document the transfer of the standard to the FIWG on the eGov wiki. This transfer should be made clear on both sides.

Rainer: to arrange an announcement on the eGov mailing list 'evote' to ensure that all eGov members are aware of the change. 

The IPR for the work is free as in beer.

Colin: links to the profile are not visible on FIWG pages. Rainer stated that finding the draft has always been easier than the finding the final version.


Rainer has been contracted by the Austrian government to further develop the test harnesses for the Austrian profile that is similar to the eGov & saml2int profiles.  This should bear fruit in Q4 2012.

EU is proposing a regulation on interfederations, widely discussed at REFEDS. Mark King or Patrick Curry could give a review of the document and discuss it's relevance to eGov.

Keith to invite Patrick or Mark to the next call.

Next Monthly Meeting: 

  • Date: Monday, September 3, 2012
  • Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)
  • Please use Skype or US local access numbers where possible.