eGov Meeting Minutes - 2012-05-14

eGov Meeting Minutes - 2012-05-14

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 14. May 2012
  • Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 08:00 NZ(+1)


Ken Dagg – Fed Canada

Colin Wallis – NZ Govt, Internal Affairs

John Bradley - Individual/Ping

Rainer Hörbe - Kismed

Sal d'Agostino – ID Machines

Keith Uber - Ubisecure Solutions

Joni Brennan - Staff

1) Roll call for Quorum determination

Quorum reached with 6 out of 11, after Denny Prvu moved to non-voting status.

2) eGov New Membership Status

No new eGov members.

3) Review and approve previous meeting draft minutes (attendees)

April Minutes: Moved Keith (with one change requested), Seconded Rainer

March Minutes: Moved John, Seconded Sal.

Feb Minutes: Moved Colin, approved by unanimous consent

4) Charter discussion

eGov charter has not been reviewed since formation. There has never been any explicit check to see if our charter fits the current needs of the organization

eg Is the egov SAML profile management a better fit for the FIWG? It is becoming more noticeable that the profile management perhaps no longer belongs with us.

Are we on the right track? Are we doing the things that kantara wants us to do?

Discussed Joni's presentation slides Slide 8 and Slide 9

How can a government policy focus of the egov kantara group help governments in forming their own best practice and policies?

A letter of invitation for new egov members was drafted during the call, led by Joni.

Inivitation to cover:

1 mission
ki has within its mission to respond to end users
through development of kriteria and partner xxx programs
2 the egov working group — we are writing you today to invite you to participate
3 value your participation would bring
4 value you get
5. service assessment criteria

joni: historically in kantara there has been a disjointed approach between technical interoperability and policy interoperability

Joni to circulate draft to list for more discussion and final review on next call.




Next Monthly Meeting: 

  • Date: Monday, June 4, 2012
  • Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)
  • 1Please use Skype or US local access numbers where possible.