eGov Meeting Minutes - 2012-06-04

eGov Meeting Minutes - 2012-06-04

Kantara eGov Working Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 4. June 2012
  • Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)


Ken Dagg – Fed Canada

Colin Wallis – NZ Govt, Internal Affairs

John Bradley - Individual/Ping

Rainer Hörbe - Kismed

Sal d'Agostino – ID Machines

Allan Frost - Forgerock

Colin Soutar - Individual

Thomas Grundel - ITCrew, Denmark

Denny Prvu - CA, Canada

Joni Brennan - Staff

Pat Roder - Staff

1.    Minutes

Minutes from May 14th: Rainer moves, John B. seconds

2.    Repositioning the eGov WG

Colin W: Joni distributed a draft titled “Invitation” to address (new) members of the eGov group. The topic started at the F2F in Munich, when the BOT proposed that WGs find their connection with the Kantara programs.  For eGov it was proposed to put more emphasis on assurance and certification (keeping interoperability, of course).


Joni: most recent changes since the Saturday 2nd June version were editorial.

Discussion: More changes requested, Joni editing real-time, discussing the results:

Rainer: iop vs. cert? Suggest to include technical interop in “What we offer”

Colin S: edit “some history” paragraph to refer to both past, ongoing work and future.

Colin W: shall we vote this with changes now or circulate for more comment? Participants wanted to read latest changes before deciding.

Thomas:  eGov 2.0 is an implementation profile, not a deployment profile.

John: change to “eGov Implementation Profile for deployment”

Colin W: If no more changes, can we vote on it now? Silence taken as acceptance

Colin W. moves, John seconds. Motion carries unanimously

Colin W.: Do we need to change the charter? General agreement that some minor changes needed.

Action 2012-0604-1: Review current charter using new focus in the letter as a basis. WG officers “volunteered”, plus a general call for others to help. Discuss results at next call.

Need to compile list of addresses: need input from each member:

Action 2012-06-04-2: Colin W to do email thread to ask.

3. Putting together a eGov SAC (a profile of the IAF’s SAC)?

Colin W.: Would there be an interest in profiling the SAC for eGov use, like the eGov SAML Iop Implementation Profile?

Rainer: The eGov Iop Profile is in fact not industry-specific.

John: UK gov wanted IPV parts in the IAF SAC in more detail, as an example – not necessarily eGov but any other industry that wanted that profile with more IPV detail.

Rainer: Legal gap in SACs: Reciprocity?? vs contracts

Ken: CA is using pseudo-anonymous credentials. Also, security guys have some (minor) problems with 800-63-1. Edu, Med, Fin industries will have their own SAC.


Conclusion: Collect requirements for eGov SAC.

Interest from the following jurisdictions: CA (Ken), DK (Thomas), NZ (Colin) UK (John B)  Rainer: STORK eAuthn Project should be accounted for.

4: eGov WG F2F at Cloud Identity Summit in July

John, Rainer, Colin W. and Colin S are at this event.

Action 2012-06-04 -03: JB Will arrange a meeting place/time.

Next Monthly Meeting: 

  • Date: Monday, July 2, 2012
  • Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)
  • Please use Skype or US local access numbers where possible.