2016-04-04 Besprechungsnotizen
Apr 04, 2016
- Colin Wallis
- Ken Dagg
- Keith Uber
- Former user (Deleted) (Minutes)
1. Roll call + note taker
2. Approve minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of Dec. 7th approved (Colin moved, Rainer seconded)
3. Election cycle starts today.
Rainer will send out call for nominations on the list.
4. Road to Multilateral Recognition of Identity Assurance (Ken Dagg)
Study UK vs Kantara, FICAM/UK, 800-63-2
First comparison UK: bottom line: pretty compatible; recommended minor alignments, most difficult are alignment with national legislation
Mutual regoc. Is feasible, some tweaks requ to make, everybody would have to move a little bit, e.g. UK has some requirements Kantara does not have.
Colin offers to help locally in the UK with the alignment work.
Colin reported of efforts to establish separate government hubs for the channel islands. Kantara could do the assessment. Interesting talks are also going on with the EC regarding using Kantara for eIDAS.
5. Work item "Code of Conduct for Relying Parties (potentially Attribute Providers) for services to Government“ (Colin)
Colin will give it high priority soon and agreed with Ken the procedure to align it with IAWG.
6. Successor of Kantara’s SAML2 eGov Interop Profile (Rainer)
7. Reports from countries and recent conferences
Colin grave a quick tour of events and the migration of Kantara from IEEE-STO to virtual.
8. AOB