2016-05-02 Meeting Notes

2016-05-02 Meeting Notes


May 02, 2016


  • Keith Uber
  • Denny Prvu
  • John Spicer
  • David Kelts, MorphoTrust


  • Rainer
  • Colin
  • Thomas



1. Roll call + note taker

2. Approve minutes of previous meeting
3. Election results -
4. Work item "Code of Conduct for Relying Parties (potentially Attribute Providers) for services to Government“ (Colin)

5. FIWG Sync / Future of Kantara’s SAML2 eGov Interop Profile 

6. Reports from countries and recent conferences
7. AOB

Difficulties with TurboBrige (Down), resorted to Webex.

Non-quorate call

Discussion Items

Discussion on Canadian landscape led by Denny
Driven by Privacy
Banks as commercial IDPs, Five of the top banks have got together
Canada POST as IDP
connect.gov dicussion
2Keys and SecureKey roles

NIST and eID discussion led by David
eID use cases, North Carolina pilot
NIST pilot - food and nutrition benefits online

Tax fraud prevention use cases

- Plan to spread against other US states
Based on the trust of the driver’s license
OpenID Connect based, but SAML supported

This summer will see the roll out of registration process
In fall, larger scale use cases