eGov Meeting Notes - 2010-01-11

Kantara eGov Group Teleconference

Date and Time

  •  Date: Monday, January 11th, 2010
  • Time: 1pm PDT | 4pm EDT | 10pm CET


  • Colin Wallis, DIA Government of New Zealand (Chair)
  • Fulup Ar Foll, Sun Microsystems (Vice Chair)
  • Shin Adachi, NTT 
  • Sverre Bauck, DIFI, Government of Norway
  • John Bradley
  • Kyle Meadors, Drummond Group Inc
  • Terry McBride, GSA, US Government
  • Ben Sapiro, TELUS, Canada
  • Bob Sunday, PWGSC, Government of Canada
  • Sion Camilleri
  • Ross Foard, Immigration and Customs, US Government
  • Lena Kannappan, FuGen Solutions Inc
  • Andrew Lindsay-Stewart, FuGen Solutions Inc
  • John Masiliunas, Platinum Solutions
  • Patricia Wiebe, Provincial Government of BC, Canada
  • Joni Brennan, KI Staff


  • Soren-Peter Nielsen
  • Brett McDowell


1) Roll call for Quorum determination  [1] 

2) Approve December Minutes [2]

3) Briefing on 2010 Kantara Interop plans/Q&A from Interop Review Board rep (Rep or BM)

4) Review status of Action Items Summary [3] (CW)

5) Review Officer Election status- position of Secretary still open (CW)

6) eGov SAML 2.0 Profile V2 prep - update/project timeframe/next steps (All)

7) eGov Profiles of OID and IC project - next step after Step 1 Gap Analysis of US ICAM OID and US ICAM IC. Community volunteers please (All)

8) LC and BoT updates (Incl. Assurance Review Board, Interop Review Board) (CW)

9) RSA KI workshop - update - do we get involved? (All)

10) Kantara F2F Portland - planning (All) [4]

11) AOB..(please Reply All by return, to the list)

Papers: [1]




Meeting Notes

1. Roll call for Quorum determination  
  • 9 out 19 voting participants on the call. Quorum not reached.
  • A further 6 non voting participants
  • 15 attendees in total
2. Approve December Minutes
  • Will be done via list due to inquorate status of meeting. Action 2010-01-11-01: Colin to send to list 
3. Briefing on 2010 Kantara Interop plans/Q&A from IRB rep

Summary: Ellen Newlands, Acting Chair or the IRB briefed the meeting on the status assisted by Joni.  The IRB is still adding members, and working through its 'kick off' process. Is still determining which standards to test for: SAML 2.0 for sure (and this may have additional/non full matrix testing support. Also under consideration is Id-WSF, OAuth, a WS 'bucket' and an OpenID bucket. Interop Test date confirmation expected at the end of January.  IRB has agreed a proposed Interop Working Group with a charter to develop revisions, document test procedures etc. 

  • Q: Fulup: How do we move from high level use cases to interop test plans for new things like dual language? A: Ellen: TBD but the SAML eGov Profile v2.0 will provide a baseline
  • Q: John B: If the ARB certifies an IDP to be a certified CSP/IDP, will the IRB process 'butt up against' the ARB process to ensure that a certified CSP/IDP is going to be certified by the IRB for, say, SAML product implementation testing and compliance for interop testing?, possibly deployment testing?. This Q seconded by Bob who says there is a potential 'air gap' that needs to be filled.  A: Ellen. Not yet considered, but now noted. Lena says that testing is currently targeted at features and software
4. Review status of Action Items (since last meeting)
  • 2009-12-02-01 New call time: Closed
  • No other changes
  • Colin repeated a request for members to look at the actions assigned to 'All' and to work on these.
  • Colin suggested splitting the Action Items summary into 2 parts with the second part containing those closed actions, to make it easier to identify the outstanding actions. 
5. Review Officer status
  • Position of secretary still open.
  • Colin repeated his call for volunteers saying it was not fair that Shin shouldered the burden for this month after month. If no-one forthcoming volunteers will be called at the commencement of each meeting  
6. eGov SAMl 2.0 Profile v2.0 preparation
  • Kyle repeated the proposed timetable working from a theoretical testing date in July, backwards.  April would see a final draft of the Profile, with a test plan already in preparation. That means March is the critical 'build' month. Requirements need to be frozen late Feb. Position of secretary still open.
  • Expected additional requirements would include, LoA, metadata, dual language support. 
  • Discussion on practical next steps settled on using the existing Liberty eGov Profile v1.5 as a strawman for a Kantara eGov Profile V2. 
  • Joni added that Jira had been aquired for the IAWG/IAF and the eGovWG/eGov profile could be an addtional candidate. Action 2010-01-11-02: Joni to check into Jira for eGov use. 
7. eGov Profiles for IOD and IMI
  • No further confirmation of interest from non US governments. Hold 
 8. LC and BoT updates
  • Colin reported that cross WG communication will be part of the formal agenda of each LC meeting, to help resolve this known issue.
9. RSA KI Workshop update
  • Proposed workshop format and participants paper was circulated. Nno comments
  • Proposal raised to run a side line BoF/workshop meeting on the eGov Profile late (Thurs/Fri) in the RSA week for folks not going to Portand (and for folks that are). Action 2010-01-11-03. Colin to initiate finding a room.
 10. Kantara F2F Portland - planning.
  • General agreement that the majority of the time would be devoted to drafting the egov Profile.  Feb 1st is the deadline for detailed agendas. Action 2010-01-11-04: Colin to flesh out agenda based on eGov Profile 

Next Meeting

  • Date: Monday, February 1st, 2010
  • Time: 1300 PDT |1600 EDT |2200 CET (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: \
  • Code:

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