WG - Attributes In Motion - WORKING DOCUMENTS
WG - Attributes In Motion - WORKING DOCUMENTS
- The Attribute Ecosystem (11.5MB, PPTX) - Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
- Identity Architecture, revision 5 (148KB, DOCX) - Kirk Fergusson, SecureKey
- Seven Ways of Looking at an Ecosystem (75KB, DOCX) - Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
- The Attribute Meta Model (Mind Map PDF, DOT, PPTX) - Rainer Hörbe, Identinetics
- WG - Attributes In Motion - Comparison of Protocol-based Solutions by Decomposition into Atomic Functions - Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Identity Trust Ontology (SVG) (png version) - Leif Johansson, NORDUnet/SUNET