WG - Attributes In Motion - CHARTER
Work Group Charter – Attribute Management
(1) WG NAME (and any acronym or abbreviation of the name): The WG name, acronym and abbreviation must not include trademarks not owned by the Organization, or content that is infringing, harmful, or inappropriate.
Attributes in Motion WG (AIMWG)
(2) PURPOSE: Please provide a clear statement of purpose and justification why the proposed WG is necessary.
The goal of this Work Group is to define and publish best practices and collect use cases in the Attribute Management space. In particular, focusing on the use of attributes across all stakeholders in the Identity Ecosystem including Identity Providers, Service Providers, and Relying Parties. Exploring and documenting the potential and best practice around the use of an Attribute Broker will also be discussed.
The work expected to encourage cross-organization communication regarding the strategic and technical work in this space. While creating technical specifications is out of scope for this group, keeping the group members aware of activities in other work groups and organizations will be critical to success going forward.
(3) SCOPE: Explain the scope and definition of the planned work.
The group will focus on producing white papers, best practice documents, and an on-going report in to the various activities in the attribute management space.
Specifically, the Work Group will create a set of best practice documents around:
- The handling of attributes by Identity Providers, Relying Parties, and Service Providers
- The definition and proposed use for contexts
- The definition, best use, requirements and criteria of an Attribute Broker
The Work Group will also continue the work started by the Attribute Management Discussion Group to keep the Repository of links to know work in the attribute space up to date, making sure that relevant work from other Kantara Work Groups as well as outside organizations and governments are collected and shared.
The Work Group will explore the concept of an Attribute Broker, defining what an Attribute Broker is, the characteristics of a good attribute broker, and how the use of an Attribute Broker enhances privacy. This will turn in to a set of use cases, a white paper, and eventually a Best Practices document.
(4) DRAFT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: List Working Titles of draft Technical Specifications to be produced (if any), projected completion dates, and the Standards Setting Organization(s) to which they will be submitted upon approval by the Membership.
No technical specifications will be created out of this Work Group.
(5) OTHER DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS: Other Draft Recommendations and projected completion dates for submission for All Member Ballot.
Proposed document title | Proposed Completion Date |
Attribute Handling Best Practices | TBD pending resource commitment |
Determining and Using Contexts - Recommendation | TBD pending resource commitment |
Attribute Broker Best Practices | TBD pending resource commitment |
(6) LEADERSHIP: Proposed WG Chair and Editor(s) (if any) subject to confirmation by a vote of the WG Participants.
Convenor: Allan Foster, ForgeRock
(7) AUDIENCE: Anticipated audience or users of the work.
This is expected to be broadly applicable, cross-sector work. In particular we expect this work to inform Trust Framework Providers, Assessors and potentially Federation Operators and actors.
(8) DURATION: Objective criteria for determining when the work of the WG has been completed (or a statement that the WG is intended to be a standing WG to address work that is expected to be ongoing).
This Work Group seeks to complete its work items with in 2 years of initiation. As necessary the WG may re-charter for additional timeline considerations once they are active.
(9) IPR POLICY: The Organization approved Intellectual Property Rights Policy under which the WG will operate.
Kantara Initiative IPR Policy – Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution
(10) RELATED WORK AND LIAISONS: Related work being done in other WGs or other organizations and any proposed liaison with those other WGs or organizations.
While other entities groups such as the OIX Attribute Exchange WG, OASIS-Trust Elevation WG and various groups within the ITU-T are exploring the attribute space, the topic of best practice of proper use and Attribute Broker is open and appropriate for Kantara industry expertise. (Update report every 6 months, or turn it in to a status sheet)
Note that work on how to create and manage an attribute space is underway via an Internet Society effort.
Likely Liaisons Relationships Include:
- Kantara – Identity Assurance WG
- Kantara – Federation Interoperability WG
- Kantara – eGovernment WG
- Kantara – Privacy and Public Policy WG
- OASIS – Trust Elevation WG
- OIX – Attribute Exchange WG
- Internet Society – contact to be identified
- ITU-T – contact to be identified
- Others
(11) CONTRIBUTIONS (optional): A list of contributions that the proposers anticipate will be made to the WG.
No contributions are expected at this time.
(12) PROPOSERS: Names, email addresses, and any constituent affiliations of at least the minimum set of proposers required to support forming the WG. At least 3 proposers must be listed. At least 2 of the proposers must be Kantara Initiative Members - current members list
- Colin Wallis (colin_wallis at hotmail dot com) – Dept. of Internal Affairs, New Zealand government
- Leif Johansson (leifj at sunet dot se) - SUNET
- Colin Soutar (email at colinsoutar dot com) - Individual
- Allan Foster, ForgeRock