Charter - WG - Telecommunications Identity
(1) WG NAME: WG Name (and any acronym or abbreviation of the name) - The WG name, acronym and abbreviation shall not include (1) trademarks not owned by the Organization, or (2) content that is infringing, harmful, or inappropriate;
Telecommunications Identity Work Group - Telco ID WG
(2) PURPOSE: Clear statement of purpose and justification why the proposed WG is necessary;
The ultimate goal of the Work Group is to help reconciling fragmented efforts in the telco specifications development area and in the telco market place regarding identity management. The identity of humans, legal entities and objects in general is addressed.
In order to achieve that, it will act as a forum to facilitate the dialog between Kantara Initiative and the telco industry sector. Additionally, it will produce telco specific technical material to support developing Kantara Initiative specifications as necessary to ensure proper implementation of suitable to a telco infrastructure.
The Work Group will
- Provide telco industry knowledge and needs in the identity management space towards Kantara Initiative.
- Provide input to other Kantara Initiative Work Groups to ensure that Kantara Initiative specifications address telco specific needs where appropriate
- Produce telco adaptations and refinement advisement to potential Kantara Initiative technical specifications - includes profiling and implementation guidelines
- Drive communication between Kantara Initiative and other telco work and standardization fora through liaisons
(3) SCOPE: Scope - The Scope must be related to the purpose of the Organization and must include a definition of the work that is envisioned;
The Work Group is chartered to:
- Provide Kantara Initiative with subject matter expertise with respect to telecommunications and identity
- Become a discussion forum and a working group issuing guidelines for telecommunications-specific aspects of Kantara Initiative Work Groups and identity space
- Provide an information sharing and feedback forum for Participants with an interest in identity-based services in the telecommunications space, and to communicate core findings of the WG as well as the guidelines this WG will issue, to the relevant Kantara Initiative organizational entities
- Where appropriate, take part in the identification and planning of industry events, providing input to marketing to execute in these arenas
- Where appropriate, provide input to telecommunications-focused Kantara Initiative activities (such as other standardization fora), including, but not limited to, profiling of Kantara Initiative specifications, implementation guidelines, policy and marketing recommendations.
- To provide input paths for external communications through liaisons, such as contributed collateral materials and articles
- To provide Kantara Initiative with spokespersons on telecommunications-related topics related to the Kantara Initiative agenda
(4) DRAFT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: Working Titles of draft Technical Specifications to be produced(if any) and projected completion dates and the SSO(s) to which these Specifications will be submitted upon approval by the Membership;
No technical specifications are intended to be produced by this WG.
Rather, the intent of this group is to profile and develop implementation guidelines on other Kantara Initiative WG´s technical specifications that, in turn, will be provided as input to Telco Standards Setting Organizations (SSOs) as well (see 'DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS' in item 5). The specific SSOs where the Telco WG intents to provide input to are: 3GPP, OMA and GSMA
(5) OTHER DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS: Other Draft Recommendations and projected completion dates (i.e., deliverables that are not Technical Specifications that will be submitted for All Member Ballot);
Draft: IMS whitepaper - Marketing recommendation and implementation guideline.
Sechedule: Projected completion by mid 2010.
Drafts: Telco implementation guidelines on Kantara Initiative WG-x deliverable-y (e.g., IDP selector)
Schedule: Project completion by close of 2010 with a caveat that the group may review and revise this schedule in accordance with the progress of other Kantara WG Draft Technical Specification.
(6) LEADERSHIP: Proposed WG Chair and Editor(s) (if any) subject to confirmation by a vote of the WG Participants;
- Convener: Jonas Hogberg, Ericsson
- Co-chair: José Luis Mariz, Ericsson
- Co-chair: Aude Pichelin, Orange
(7) AUDIENCE: Anticipated audience or users of the work;
Telco standardization organizations, telco actors technical and business people
(8) DURATION: Criteria for determining when the work of the WG has been completed (or a statement that the WG is intended to be a standing WG to address work that is expected to be ongoing);
The Telecommunications Identity Work Group has the purpose of reviewing any and all Kantara Initiative works for relevant feedback from a Telecommunications perspective. As such the group intends to exist in the stated capacity for the life of the Kantara Initiative to provide such feedback on an on-going basis.
(9) IPR POLICY: The Intellectual Property Rights Policy under which the WG will operate;
Kantara Initiative IPR Policy - Liberty Option
(10) RELATED WORK AND LIAISONS: Related work being done in other WGs or organizations and any proposed liaison with other WGs or organizations;
- GSMA (GSMA Access)
- 3GPP
(11) CONTRIBUTIONS (optional): Optionally, a list of contributions that the proposers anticipate will be made to the WG.
Potential for contribution of the proposed IMS whitepaper as mentioned in item 5 above in the case that the white paper is published by Liberty Alliance prior to the formation of the WG
(12) PROPOSERS: Names, email addresses, and any constituent affiliations of at least the minimum set of proposers required to support forming the WG
- José Luis Mariz & Jonas Hogberg, Ericsson
- Aude Pichelin & Gaël Gourmelen, Orange
- Ingo Friese, DT
- Mario Lischka, NEC
- Peter Davis, Neustar
- Shin Adachi, NTT
- Fulup Ar Foll, Sun
This charter was approved for operation by the Leadership Council on November 25th 2009