IAWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-11-10

IAWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-11-10

These minutes were approved on 17 Nov.


Shin Adachi
John Bradley
Dan Combs
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr
Colin Soutar
Frank Villavicencio
David Wasley
Bill Braithewaite
Rich Trevorah
Ben Wilson

Non Voting:
Ken Dagg
Art Moldavia
Rainer Hoerbe

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin

Meeting Minutes

1. Administrative:

  • Roll Call. Quorum achieved.
  • Motion of Minutes for approval : 03 November 2010
    Moved: John Bradley Rich Trevorah. No objection to approving minutes as captured.

Action Item Review:
20101013-01--- How to move forward with the ICAM US Privacy Profile. Not progressed
20101027-01--- Tiger Comments posted by Pete Palmer. Awaiting confirmation of receipt. Action can be closed.
20101103-01 — KI IAWG ISO/IEC 29115 Statement finalized by mgmt to be circulated for an IAWG vote. Progressed

2. KI IAWG ISO/IEC 29115 Statement — Myisha
ACTION ITEM 20101110-01 Myisha — will implement IAWG edits/feedback collected on this call and produce a final draft doc.
ACTION ITEM 20101110-02  Anna ---  will compose and distribute an eBallot to the list for approval of the statement as written.

3. FOG Scope Discussion — David Wasley

  • It's the IAWG's intent to start the discussion within the community on what a Federation Operator might do and be, RIGHT NOW. The work group is not prepared to broaden the scope at this time. So the entities that we know and recognize today, are sufficient for NOW. The IAWG is aware that there will be additional issues that require a deeper dive for a broader scope. David has added this intent to the language of the FOG.
  • It is the IAWG's intent to continue this [ever-evolving] discussion as relevant in the future.

ACTION ITEM 20101110-03 David ---  to clarify, define "Federation Operator" vs "Federation Governing Body"
