IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2010-09-29
IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2010-09-29
These minutes were unanimously approved on 13 Oct 2010.
Shin Adachi
Dan Combs
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr
Frank Villavicencio
David Wasley
Ben Wilson
Rich Trevorah
Mickey Tevelow
Brett mcdowell
Colin Soutar
Jeff stollman
Satish Hadimani
Bob Pineiro
Pete Palmer
Neil Clowes
John Bradley
Richard wilsher
Anna Ticktin
- Roll Call — Quorum achieved
- 15 September Meeting Minutes approved [http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/idassurance/IAWG+Bi-Weekly+Meeting+Minutes+-+2010-09-15]
- Introduction : Satish Hadimani
- Leadership elections:
- Rich Furr motions to respect the actions of the work group's nomination process and affirm Frank Villavicencio and Myisha Frazier-McElveen as Co-Chairs
- David Wasley seconds. Hearing no objection, Frank and Myisha are elected as Co-Chairs of the IAWG
2. HIA-IAWG Liaison Report — Dan Combs
- Dan discussed the IAF and the Patient Identity Portal project; re: the implications of developing a project under the IAF.
- Brett recommends that taking the early steps of creating a Q & A doc would be most useful for the IAWG.
- Myisha suggests this could map toward a profile coming out of the HIAWG.
3. Service Assessment Criteria Profiling — Richard Wilsher
- Richard Wilsher introduced the SAC Profiling Rules doc from the ARB to the IAWG.
- The work group discussed the scope and David proposes this be folded into the IAWG roadmap and fleshed out by the group. Myisha seconds.
4. FOG & US FED GOVT Privacy Profile Recommendation Update — Anna / David
- Did not discuss.
5. AOB