IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2010-06-23

IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2010-06-23

These meeting minutes were approved on the July 7th quorate conference call.


Shin Adachi
John Bradley
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr
Helen Hill
Colin Soutar
Frank Villavicencio
David Wasley

Tim Bouma (non-voting)
Bob Pinheiro (non-voting)
Mickey Tevelow (non-voting)

Joni Brennan (staff)
Anna Ticktin (staff)

Meeting Minutes:

1. Roll Call---meeting is quorate.
2. Meeting minutes 5/26

Motion is to approve. Approved without objection.
We don’t vote on meeting notes but we can bring notes up to minutes at the end of the meeting.

3.  ISO
a. Volunteers for the ISO liaison: 
    Richard Trevorah
    Richard Wilsher
    Patrick Curry
    Colin Souter

b. We have issues in IAF with a number of questions such as smart cards in Work Group 2. Need to identify the way forward for this group and they will funnel actions to the IAWG.

c. Patrick will reach out to Neal and Richard Trevorah.  Patrick believes a US representative would be of value.  d. There should be a link to ICAM.  If ICAM wishes to support this activity can we encourage a couple key people from the US to join.  Maybe Erica McCallister from NIST.

20100624-01 FRANK:  outreach to Judith Spencer to identify a UD representative.

d. John Bradley has not found a way to become part of the US delegation since he is a Canadian citizen. 

e. Colin identifies SC1 as the committee of interest. 

f. Patrick will get the subgroup going. How this group progresses its work and identifies items of interest in ISO. This group will be the lead and interface. Patrick:  WG% is overseeing work on a privacy standard.  Robin Wilton is the lead here and also has the P3WG in Kantara.  We need to make sure IAWG & P3WG are in synch.

g. Short discussion re ANSI Document standardization effort.

4. Federation Operator Guideline:
David will provide added words top the interoperability testing within a federation.  Rich will then finalize the document and forward to Anna to  post to the wiki.

5. ICAM Privacy Profile:
a. Document has not been put to a vote for a recommendation status vote.  Joni:  Does the group want to move this forward as a Recommendation or rather as a Report which could be moved to a draft Recommendation in parallel.  Frank wants to eventually publish this  as a part of the IAF so would like to move the parallel process forward.

b. Frank moves to submit this document with two caveats as a report and also move forward with the action to make this a formal recommendation.


20100624-03 JONI: Clean up the Privacy Profile doc to address the language removals: remove "interim" and lines 74-77 from the report.

20100624-03 RICH: Finalize the FOG doc

20100624-03 ANNA: Circulate two electronic ballots one for the ICAM and one for the FOG. 

c. David:  I believe that ICAM gave Kantara provisional approval and I assume this is the version of the document that was the basis for the provisional approval.  Joni indicates that that is correct for the profile.  We did break out the IAF ICAM submittal into tracks as part of the IAWG ongoing work.  We have a larger work item to merge the IAF2.0 with what was submitted in the profile to ICAM.  Deletion of lines 74-77 does not affect this document at all.

d. Motion is to, with two caveats, publish the document as a report and move forward in parallel to move this to a recommendation.
Motion approved without objection.
The Federation Operator Guideline will be put to electronic ballot.

6.  ANSI Identity Proofing effort:
a. There was a question related to the position of Kantara on financial support to the ANSI effort.  Bob Pinero has moved forward to request same from the leadership council.

b. Why is the Federal Government not providing some level of funding since this is a national standard.
There are other priorities within Kantara.  Recommendation to park this and Frank will keep updated.

Next Meeting:

Wednesday 7 July 2010 8aPDT / 11a EDT / 1500 UTC

Skype: +9900827044630912
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 4630912
