IAWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-12-15

IAWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-12-15

These are draft minutes and have not yet been approved.


John Bradley
Dan Combs
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr
Frank Villavicencio
Richard Trevorah
Ben Wilson
Bill Braithwaite

Rainer Hoerbe
Pete Palmer
Frank Wray

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin

Meeting Minutes:

1. Administrative:

  • Roll Call — Quorum 7/12
  • Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval
  • Frank motions to approve meeting minutes from Dec 1. Rich seconds. No discussion. Minutes approved as captured.

2. SAC Profile Guidelines Doc — Myisha

  • The IAWG would review the Profile to ensure that it’s not in conflict with the SAC and not duplicative of other profiles.  
  • And also identify areas that are perhaps coming up frequently that should be evaluated as to whether it belongs in the SAC and not it a profile.
  • Dazza Greenwood has proposed spinning up a new profiling work group.
  • The IAWG produces the guidelines for this group to work from.  This new group creates profiles and then give them to IAWG to adopt in to the stack for certification.  
  • Frank: WhY isn't this just a subset?
  • We have an active champion in Dazza Greenwood who's gathering several other interested parties. This provides an opportunity to advertise this work and tract.
  • Frank and Rich Furr suggest that this could be a dilution of the IAWG and further compromise bandwidth. High demand for profiling? Does that mean the SAC needs to be re-investigated?
  • John volunteers that Dazza's interest could be more interested in reaching out to his Healthcare community and then would partner with IAWG for the details.
    More centered around the subject matter, potentially attribute-proofing and less Identity Management specific.
  • So there MUST be a strong relationship between the IAWG and SAC-Profile WG.
  • Owner for the SAC document work: Ben Wilson will champion with the assistance of Myisha, Rich Furr

NASPO--- Patrick Curry

  • Aiming to publish a jurisdictionally specific ANSI standard on Identity Proofing by end of March 2011
  • ACTION ITEM 20101215-02 Joni/Anna — Need to update the IAF documentation map to reflect where the SAC Profile Creation Rules document fits.
  • ACTION ITEM 20101215-03 Anna ---Update IAWG  RoadMap to reflect Ben Wilson and Frank Wray as lead resources for the Relying Party Guidelines

3. AOB

  • Rich Furr: Safe BioPharma will be unable to get certified due to cost, but underscores that the Kantara portion of the price was not in question.
  • Cost of certification is the real impediment.
  • John offers that there is a need to create a competitive landscape for people to do these assessments.
