IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes - 2010-08-18

These meeting minutes were approved on 15 Sept. 2010.


Frank Villavicencio
Shin Adachi
John Bradley
Bill Braithwaite
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
David Wasley
Rich Furr

Neil Clowes
Jeff Stollman
Andrew Hughes
Mickey Tevelo

Pete Palmer
Helen Hill

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin

Meeting Minutes:

1.  Administrative:

  • Roll Call--- Quorum achieved
  • Motion for unanimous approval of Aug 4th meeting minutes. No objection. Unanimously approved.

2.  IAWG Roadmap [Con'td] — Frank/Joni

  • Proposed 3 Tracks: [1] Adoption / Awareness / Visibility, [2] Recruiting, [3] Deliverables & Milestones
  • Wiki link:  http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/idassurance/IAWG+RoadMap+-+Draft
  • Neil suggests we look at longer term goals, potentially 5 years out and work backwards in shaping a road map instead of being too short sighted in planning short term goals
  • David Wasley calls for participation by more members in the work group in order to ensure all opinions and concerns are voiced and thus brought to light
  • The IAWG reviewed it's charter; outstanding deliverables remain:
    1. Service Approval Authority Requirements
    2. Relying Party Guidelines

3.  Review FOG comments received [Con'td]---David/Rich

  • Frank had suggest a title change of "Federation and Federator Operation Guidelines" to underscore the inherent differences
  • The IAWG reviewed David Wasley's  FOG_ Comments (dlw).doc which responds in-line to the 18 comments received thus far from Kantara Members outside the work group
    1. Comment 4: some language should be adjusted in the FOG addressing up-time requirements by relying parties. David to draft new language

ACTION ITEM 20100818-01 ANNA: Post David Wasley's response to FOG comments received to date as well as his editorial notes to the FOG on the wiki and circulate the link to the list
ACTION ITEM 20100818-02 DAVID WASLEY: Draft new language around comment 4 [FOG]

4.  Any Other Business
None addressed

Adjourned 9:01

Next Telecon:

DATE:  Wednesday 1 Sept 2010
TIME:  8:00 PT/11:00 ET/15:00 UTC

Skype: +9900827044630912
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 463091