IAWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-12-08
IAWG Meeting Minutes - 2010-12-08
This was a non-quorate meeting. What follows are notes.
Frank Villavicencio
Patrick Curry
Shin Adachi
Pete Palmer
Colin Soutar
Rich Furr
Helen Hill
Ken Dagg
Anna Ticktin
1. Administrative:
- Roll Call---Non-Quorate Meeting
- Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 1 Dec 2010http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/idassurance/IAWG+Meeting+Minutes+-+2010-12-01
- Holiday telecom schedule : Dec 22 & 29 meetings will be canceled in observance of the Winter and New Year Holidays.
Action Item Review:
ROADMAP: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/idassurance/IAWG+RoadMap
- Frank recommends the RP Guidelines document work be pushed out until at least Mid-March.
2. SAC Profile Document — Frank
- Change "Profiling Rules" to "Profile Creation Rules"
- Clarify and fine tune examples throughout the document that currently refer to PrivacyGuardian. This may be confusing
- Need to update the IAF documentation map (reaching out to Rich Wilsher) to reflect where the SAC Profile Creation Rules document fits.
ACTION ITEM 20101208-01 Anna — to Reach out to Rich Wilsher to join next week's call for guidance.
3. AOB