IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes 2010-10-27

IAWG Bi-Weekly Meeting Minutes 2010-10-27

These minutes were approved with correction on 3 November 2010.


Shin Adachi
John Bradley
Bill Braithwaite
Dan Combs
Patrick Curry
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Rich Furr
Colin Soutar
Frank Villavicencio
David Wasley
Ben Wilson
Neil Clowes

Nathan Faut
Richard Trevorah
Rainer Horbe
Kennath Dagg
Pete Palmer

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin

Meeting Minutes:

1. Administrative:

Roll Call. Quorum established.

Action Item Review:

  • ACTION ITEM 20101013-01 John Bradley, Joni Brennan, David Wasley and Ben Wilson continue to circle on how to move forward with the ICAM US Privacy Profile. Progressed, but not complete.
  • ACTION ITEM 20101013-02  Rich Furr confirms Safe BioPHarma will be certifying directly with ICAM as a trust framework provider. Rich requests off-line discussions with Joni Brennan and John Bradley for further updates and progress.

2. Request for Comments:

  • Myisha proposes that  given the work of the IAWG, it would be good for Kantara to respond to the request for comments on the Privacy and Security Tiger Team of the Health IT group.
  • The members agree. Consensus is that IAWG and HIAWG should look at the responses from an international perspective, then compile a Kantara response.
  • Response should come from HIAWG with input from IAWG.
  • ACTION ITEM 20101027-01 Pete Palmer and Joni Brennan: Collect all pertinent comments, links and docs ---funnel to Anna. Joni will make a pass at comments by Friday 29 October.

3. Update from Paris F2F — Joni

  • P3WG---renewed vigor around privacy framework / trust framework model
  • 3 pieces: policy /privacy /protocol ---p3 wg will be focussing on privacy piece through the privacy framework
  • Federation Business Use Case DG suggested. Draft charter in progress, with official WG to follow.
  • EU Business / Use Case DG suggested. Draft charter in progress, with official WG to follow.
  • Open Source DG suggested. Draft charter in progress, with official WG to follow.
  • Internet of Subjects WG spinning up from Serge Ravet; focus---data portability.

Patrick Curry reports:  ISO  29115 follow up from Berlin 29100 + 29101

  • AdHoc group set up for privacy in ISO.
  • Patrick attempting to connect P3 with ISO.
  • 29115---identity proofing and verification sub topic heavily socialized

Joni reports from LC:

  • Kantara is lacking these types of liaisons
  • LC working to create standing liaison DG with ISO.
  • Kantara needs a mechanism that works with endpoint's confidentiality requests, whilst not compromising Kantara's "open" policy
  • The LC will create standing groups that have an NDA clause specific to their group to comply with endpoint's confidentiality.
  • These WGs need to be defined in the OPs procedures. LC will create and clarify.
  • These liaisons will be effective asap, pending LC's passing of the proposed motion, then a 7-day all-member ballot. With this, we're targeting two weeks before this standing liaison group is officially functioning.

4. FOG Review — David Wasley

  • Rainer elevates comment no. 39 to the WG; re: narrow scope
  • John Bradley, Rainer Horbe and David Wasley will continue to exchange discussion via the list to resolve scope issue. In the interim, David agrees to move forward on the doc, acknowledging issues.
  • Privacy issues need to be more strongly approached.

5. Compliance Mapping Tool

  • Did not discuss.

6. AoB

  • None.


REMINDER: IAWG goes to a weekly telecon, beginning next week. See details below.

Next Telecon:

DATE: Wednesday 3 November 2010
TIME: 8:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 15:00 UTC / 16:00 CET

Skype: +9900827044630912
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 4630912