2019-04-17 Meeting notes DRAFT

2019-04-17 Meeting notes DRAFT




Connected Life Innovation Groups

UMAWG1stEve MalerYes
UMAWG2ndMaciej Machulak
CISWG1stJim Pasquale
CISWG2ndAndrew Hughes (LC Chair)Yes

John Wunderlich

CMSWG1stCorné van Rooij
CMSWG2ndJim Pasquale (LC Vice Chair)
Trust Services Interoperability Groups
IAWG1stKen DaggYes
IAWG2ndScott Shorter
HIAWG1stNON-VOTING 2016-09-07

Rainer Hoerbe

eGovWG2ndKeith Uber

John Bradley

FIWG2ndWalter Forbes Hoehn
OTTOWG1stMichael Schwartz
OTTOWG2ndJanusz Ulanowski
IDPVDG1stAndrew HughesYes
Kantara-Colin WallisYes


Guests: Sal D'Agostino

NOTE: As of March 2019 for calculation of quorum there are 7 Work Groups.

Agenda and Meeting Notes

TopicDesired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call
Agenda Confirmation
  • Agenda for this month's Leadership Council call:
    • Organization updates
  • Upcoming conferences and speaking proposals - and why you should present about Kantara work!
    • EIC -
    • ID North -
    • Identiverse - Colin, Eve/Ashley UMA-IRM w demo, Andrew, Sal IRM lifecycle,
  • AOB

Minutes confirmation

Draft minutes for approval:

2018-12-19 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-11-21 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-10-17 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-09-19 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-08-15 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-04-25 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-03-21 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-02-21 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-01-17 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-12-20 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-11-15 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-10-18 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-08-16 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-05-17 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-03-15 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-01-18 Meeting Notes DRAFT

"To approve listed meeting minutes"

Motion by:




Organizational Updates
Executive Director and Staff Report

Director's Corner: 2019: March

Keeping up with Kantara: 'Keep up with the Kantarians' email blasts

  • Watch out for the Kantara 10th Anniversary material - should start appearing soon

LC Chair Report

The Kantara Initiative is the global consortium improving trustworthy use of identity and personal data through innovation, standardization and good practice.

  • Need to elect a new LC Secretary
  • Reported on the great progress made at the ISO SC 27/WG 5 with respect to ISO 29184 and consent receipt. New Study period started to investigate feasibility of a new standard for Consent Record and Receipt (a.k.a. the Kantara Consent Receipt)
New Business
More info required prior to action

Work with WG leads to update Charter:

## Healthcare ID Assurance WG - has been suspended due to lack of driver - but the Healthcare Committee from IDESG is starting to use HIAWG to do work. Update Charter and support.

More information required:

## OTTO WG - Last I heard from Mike about this is that the original motivations for the work have disappeared. Recommend to archive (Mike to inform LC).

Proposals for new groups

>> NEW Groups <<

  • Thorsten Niebuhr of Wedacon wants to propose a new group "DG on Semantic Entity Relationship Management" - draft charter to be circulated - needs to demonstrate community support for this
  • Federated Identity Resilient Ecosystem (FIRE) Work Group - draft charter was circulated for comment
WG/DG Updates

Administrative Reminders/Requests: Please ensure your WG and DG charters are reasonably current. These are supposed to be reviewed annually.

OTTO WG - no report

UMA WG  - Eve gave an update on the IETF contribution status. The OAuth group at IETF is wrapping their heads around the possibilities. Eve working on helping them to understand the use cases. Incorporating Bertrand Carlier's blog post into the HEART webinar. Eve has offered to run UMA exploration sessions at IETF 105 in Montreal - demos, many participants, etc. UK Pensions Dashboard - understands that UMA fits the purpose & that there are some specific issues to be resolved & alignment with OpenBanking. Eve is re-inforcing with UMA WG that they must advocate for what they want or else the standards might shift in unexpected ways.

IA WG - Finalizing the updated Overview document. Looking forward to increasing participation from new and current CSPs.

CIS WG - Work proceeds on the Kantara Privacy Control Panel demo - scheduled for presentation at EIC, Identiverse, MyData (applied), other conferences.

Consent Solutions WG - Work proceeds on a lightweight Gap Analysis doc setting out current and future state of consent management.

eGov WG - no report

FI WG - Nominations for Chair/Vice closes soon. Preparing to receive the next piece of work.

IDPV DG - Calls to resume soon to improve use cases and do some analysis - for further contribution to ISO study period. Also to discuss how to sustain the body of work going forward.

Launching New WG/DG's

New publication type
  • Andrew proposes to define a new type of Kantara publication: the 'Best Current Practice' Recommendation. This would follow the same intent as with IETF BCP documents. 
  • Currently the publication type: 'Recommendation' has sub-types of 'Recommendation' and 'Technical Specification'. The 'Best Current Practice' would become a third sub-type.
    "The BCP subseries of the RFC series is designed to be a way to standardize practices and the results of community deliberations.  
    A BCP document is subject to the same basic set of procedures as standards track documents and thus is a vehicle by which the IETF 
    community can define and ratify the community's best current thinking on a statement of principle or on what is believed to be the 
    best way to perform some operations or IETF process function."
    Ref: IETF BCP 9
Long-running Topics
Action Items Review

Please take a moment to review the list of action items and do your best to take action.

Policies & Procedures update

Operating Procedures are being updated to match the current version of Bylaws. Some streamlining and addition of document publication procedures is being done as well.

New boilerplate templates for email ballots are being created.

Tips and Tricks
2019 Project Funding

Document repo/Publications Library

Kantara-presence Events

List of future events on KantaraInitiative.org

Plenary planning



Events with Kantara presence


ConferenceLocationDatesCall for SpeakersComments

** Not listed on Kantara site yet

Action Items


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