2020-09-23 Agenda and Meeting Notes

2020-09-23 Agenda and Meeting Notes




Connected Life Innovation Groups
UMAWG1stEve MalerY
UMAWG2ndMaciej Machulak
ISIWG1stJim PasqualeRegrets
ISIWG2ndAndrew Hughes (LC Chair)Y

John Wunderlich


IAWG1stKen DaggY
IAWG2ndMartin Smith
HIAWG1stTom Sullivan

Rainer Hoerbe (archived)

eGovWG2ndKeith Uber (archived)n/a
FIRE WG1stJim KraghY
FIRE WG2ndMary Hodder
FIRE WG3rdSal D'Agostino (LC Secretary)Y

Keith Wessel 

FIWG2ndWalter Forbes Hoehn
1stMichael Schwartzn/a
2ndJanusz Ulanowskin/a
IDPVDG1stAndrew HughesY
Kantara-Colin WallisY



NOTE: As of March 2019 for calculation of quorum there are 7 Work Groups.

Agenda and Meeting Notes

Desired Outcome
Meeting Administration
Roll Call
Agenda Confirmation


  • Agenda for this month's Leadership Council call:
  • Organization updates
  • Upcoming conferences and speaking proposals - and why you should present about Kantara work!
  • Updates to LC Blog (ping!) https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/pages/viewrecentblogposts.action?key=LC
  • LC vote to send updated SAC for 800-63-3 A/B/C to All member ballot

  • Discuss John Wunderlich's DG draft charter for new mDL privacy report

  • Shifting sands in the Digital IDentity consortia and national government arenas

  • AOB

Minutes confirmation

Draft minutes for approval:

2018-12-19 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-11-21 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-10-17 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-09-19 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-08-15 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-04-25 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-03-21 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-02-21 Meeting notes DRAFT

2018-01-17 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-12-20 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-11-15 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-10-18 Meeting notes DRAFT

2017-08-16 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-05-17 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-03-15 Meeting Notes DRAFT

2017-01-18 Meeting Notes DRAFT

"To approve listed meeting minutes"

Motion by:




Organizational Updates
Executive Director and Staff Report

Director's Corner: 2020: August

  • Keeping up with Kantara: 'Keep up with the Kantarians' email blasts
  • Engagements with other consortia
  • Interesting developments on the membership front - new member announcements on the way soon
  • GSA will be rejoining Kantara as a member, focus is on Login.gov into the assurance program
  • Watch for announcements next week and amplify when you see it (Tuesday)
  • CusTech event - ISI WG (Jim P), need 2-3 other WGs to participate
  • Colin will be Opening Keynote at IDentity Week Asia in October - fireside chat with Australia DTA
LC Chair Report

The Kantara Initiative is the global consortium improving trustworthy use of identity and personal data through innovation, standardization and good practice.

  • The Board of Directors are meeting monthly to discuss organization strategy, market access, and revenue potential.
  • The vision, mission, objectives will be adjusted a bit but not a lot - soon!
  • The new Directors are learning about the reach and impact of Kantara in the digital identity industry
  • Discussions about how to find and focus on new client/customer groups

  • An email came from an ISI WG participant, expressing concerns about the WG work and leadership of the WG and LC. Colin and the LC Leadership team are working through the concerns and working towards responses and resolution.
New Business
Proposals for new groups
  • John Wunderlich - has circulated to the LC List a draft DG Charter proposal with the intent of creating a report on: "Protecting Privacy and Identity in mobile Driver License Ecosystems"
    • This originates from discussions with the STA (Secure Technology Alliance) about how to support the ISO 18013-5 mDL App that is heading towards publication as an International Standard
    • The ISO 18013-5 document envisions Issuing Authority, mDL Holder and mDL Verifier as actors. There is a 'privacy and security' annex that outlines the measures taken in the spec and provides guidance on how to ensure that the Holder's privacy is respected/maintained. In the ISO WG there is high awareness of data protection and anti-observeability and anti-correlation - it's an interesting discussion.
  • Please review it and send questions back to the LC list
  • We'll see an electronic ballot to approve/reject the DG creation proposal within a week

WG/DG Updates20 minutes

Administrative Reminders/Requests: Please ensure your WG and DG charters are reasonably current. These are supposed to be reviewed annually.


UMA WG  - Working on the Policy Manager Extension - standardizes interfaces/interactions on the RO side of the protocol - a significant development coming from a vendor-implementer (Alec Laws of IDENTOS) of UMA. IDENTOS has deployed, in effect, APIs from the AS and RS towards a client that privacy-protects what those servers know about the RO by pseudonymizing the interaction between Alice and any number of AS's that she has in her domain. Alice has a directed pseudonymized identifier towards each AS.
More vendors coming into the fold too. Has potential connections to the Verifiable Credentials world. The DIF Secure Data Storage WG wants to hear about UMA.


  • IA WG


  • eGov WG Shutdown approved and archived



Launching New WG/DG's

New publication type0 minutes
  • Andrew proposes to define a new type of Kantara publication: the 'Best Current Practice' Recommendation. This would follow the same intent as with IETF BCP documents. 
  • Currently the publication type: 'Recommendation' has sub-types of 'Recommendation' and 'Technical Specification'. The 'Best Current Practice' would become a third sub-type.
    "The BCP subseries of the RFC series is designed to be a way to standardize practices and the results of community deliberations.  
    A BCP document is subject to the same basic set of procedures as standards track documents and thus is a vehicle by which the IETF 
    community can define and ratify the community's best current thinking on a statement of principle or on what is believed to be the 
    best way to perform some operations or IETF process function."
    Ref: IETF BCP 9
Long-running Topics
Action Items Review

Please take a moment to review the list of action items and do your best to take action.

Policies & Procedures update

Operating Procedures have been updated to match the current version of Bylaws. Some streamlining and addition of document publication procedures is being done as well.

New boilerplate templates for email ballots are here.

Tips and Tricks

2020 Project Funding

Document repo/Publications Library

Kantara-presence Events

List of future events on KantaraInitiative.org

Plenary planning




Events with Kantara presence





Call for Speakers


** Not listed on Kantara site yet

Action Items
