ANCR WG 20230621 - Open ANCR WG Meeting
@Salvatore D'Agostino
@Gigi provides regrets
Call for Agenda Items
Summer Project Updates
Look at license Royalty Free with Opt-out to Rand over summer
Is this open and fit for transransparency?
Does this license support collaboration - what are the options?
Summer discussion about contributing IP
Privacy Agreement
OpenSource Software Agreement for the license ?
ANCR Spec Drafting Publishing Plan
TPI - Transparency conformity
TPI- Code of Conduct References
Transparency Record and Credential TPI Practice
Milestones / deadlines - for calendar
Push out July 15 for community review and comment
Drafting and editing before Aug 1
inviting comments
August 1 WG vote
August 15 Submit to LC
September 15 Approval as Kantara Publication
Sub-Group Priorities
implementing TPI’s? -
dog fooding the spec, against Conv 108+ and Adequacy requirements
ISO/IEC 27568 - Security and privacy of digital twins - possible sub-group; call for limited time to work on submission
Mark to get dates
Reminder of how to access ISO/IEC standards through the Kantara liaison group