ANCR WG 20230614 - Summer Project Planning Session

For those of you interested in working on the summer project, we are holding an information session on Wed June 14th where we aim to get to planning and sharing ideas, (where the work really happens).


@Salvatore D'Agostino


  1. Summer Project Overview

    1. ANCR WG Scope

    2. Schedule - Demo’s

      1. Planning tech milestones

    3. Scheduling Planning / Program Dev Sessions in between workshops are on (most of) the alternate Wednesdays at 8:30 - 9:30 am EDT

      1. Part 1

        1. Wed June 14th, Planning & Fund Raising

          1. 8:30 - 9:30 am EDT - Zoom Link

        2. Wed July 5th - mock-ups

      2. Part 2

        1. July 19 - Design

        2. 26th

      3. Part 3 - Index Reporting

        1. Aug 2,

        2. Aug 9th

    4. Final Summer Session

      1. Wed Aug 16th - Demo & Activate

Meeting minutes

Suggest ANCR IP Strategy and Objectives for Summer Project

@Salvatore D'Agostino

iterate on the Code of Conduct for open (meaning legally/governance transparent) for use as a public, privacy policy. in summer project
Iterate on ANCR Controller Record and Credential spec for a Conduct, Code of General Technical Practice (for us of ANCR Receipts & Credential Types).
In short  a document on how to map things in a ‘DTL Privacy Agreement Patent’, patent the agreement and then Contribute it under the Royalty Free License with opt out to  RAND [from ANCR perspective - does ANCR have to consider cost of patent management and maintenance through its life cycle and use ]
stipulate Conditions that the license is extended or opted out into using x for use of ANCR code of conduct spec e.g. a F/RAND  
ensure a Scope of Use Clause binding the use of the license to the code of conduct and credential types,
ensure corresponding documentation (e.g. How to technically apply the same rules to all stakeholders, to provide proportionate and reciprocal access to accountability and-data rights info + controls. 

Especially this R&P (reciprocal and proportionate) data control (Magna Carta) design principles - specified for any services or intermediary tech which deal with 2 categories which is what the Digital Freedom Technology (title) is defined by in the summer project.

1. A person using personal data profiles / Security (which refer to digital identifier management, security and surveillance tracking technologies as a technology category) (aka tech used for personal data identifiers, profiles and its meta-data (attributes) -

 2. justice, against those accountable. 


May 24 Report and Invitation

Greetings ANCR WG & Friends, 


Thank you to this of you who were able to attend the annual May 24th ANCR WG Workshop. It was a pleasure to host you and introduce you to the latest work in the ANCR WG  and consent receipts. (ANCR Credentials for Operational Transparency)  

At ANCR WG Workshop:

  • Mark Lizar presented ANCR WG -

    •  Transparency Performance Indicator’s, an operational transparency conformance tool.  

In Addition, guest presentations focused on Digital Consent in Physical Spaces

  • Caterina DeSilva Presented her papers on 

    • Consent Receipts in IoT &  Dynamic Delegation with Consent Receipts,  (presentation attached) 

  • Sal D'Agostino – Presented on Consented Surveillance and the Surveillance Trust Project


Announcing the Summer Project

This summer, we have an exciting plan to develop and test ANCR TPI's with OpenKat in the Digital Transparency Lab.  See the Kantara ANCR WG blog post here. 

Our goal is to create an open ANCR-TPI Tool that generates ANCR Records, with a focus on actively auditing/invalidating the IAB Transparency and Consent Cookie Framework and demonstrating a better alternative. 

Everyone is welcome to participate  we have 3 dates planned to meetup, hack and host Open ANCR WG Meetings. 


  1. June 21 

  2. July 12

  3. Aug 16 


To reserve your spot, join the ANCR mailing-list, or find more information, goto ANCR Summer Project event Page for instructions. 

If you or someone you know would be interested in getting involved or sponsoring the Summer Digital Freedom project we are having a planning meeting this Wed more information here