ANCR WG 20230503 - AdHoc
We have grouped these into a scopes, but these are just suggestions, everyone is welcome to suggest/package a scope.
@Mark Lizar
@Salvatore D'Agostino attending
Project 1
PII Controller Notice Credential (for notice, records, receipts, tokens and directed consent) focus on regulated Public Credential Management and interoperability)
Work Plan outline -
1. Reason - addressing security and authority issues in identity management - Idm governance using international security and privacy standards and law. Law is code. rule set.
interoperability . #1
publicly regulated credential scalable to all privacy security contexts. It can be used with common/standard rules - to build legal processing protocols
Kantara, DIACC, HC,
Work Plan
topics / text to cover per call
Writing up the project - description
invites to stakeholders
spec draft for review and comment,
TPI’s as a component of the credential solution
performance metric
Transparency Performance - to mitigate risk by individual - measure performance and Interoperability with regards to credential baseline.
Establishing level 0 - for Levels of Trust Performance Assurance
Controller Credential = consent receipt v2 (tokenization) scope
Performance (notice) Record as
Credential - Legal Schema, - glossary - Ontology
DPV vocabulary for notice and notification
Use Cases
Level of PII Controller Notice Credential Assurance
NIST LoA to DT LoA -
credential - TPI’s
using TPIs to make a notice Record
Turning a notice record into a credential
Work efforts for contribution and collaboration
Project 2
AuthC - ?
concentric notice labels
mapping service to types of legal authority and specifying controls/obligations
purpose specification
2 factor concentric notice
exchange protocol
notice language and ontology
Use Cases
Digital Consent - W3C