Use Case: Kantara WG- CR v0.8 Implementation

Use Case: Kantara v0.8 Implementation

Authors: Mark & Oliver


Log Of Activities

Converted Api to Plugin Finished 
Updating JSON to v0.816/Jun/2016in progress 
Adding 2 conformance modes to this doc   


Brief Description

A part of enrolment to engage in this workgroup is to agree to the general participation agreement, consent  to the IPR Conditions, choose voting status, and self assert the authority to represent your company. 


(Note: This is a continuation of the  Consent & Information Sharing WG reference implementation, updating to v0.8 draft of the Consent Receipt specification. 

The v0.7 implementation included a consent receipt view displayed on the website, but without capacity to  -  in order to make a consent receipt notice that would be downloaded.



Individual a New Member: An interested new member would fill out this enrolment form

Kantara CIS-WG: the workgroup that is working on a project.


  • Kantara Initiative & Community

Pre Conditions (Mode 1)

  • Assessment for the Collection of Consent Notice Information
    • privacy policy link
    • DC Identity and Contact
    • list of use, collection and disclosure based on purpose of use
    • create a link to update PII, withdraw consent,  or change status of consent
  • Individual Providing PII to become a member must
    • Consent to Join WG
    • Self Assert Authority to consent on behalf of organisation (requires link to withdraw authority)
    • Consent Preference (secondary purpose)  - voting or non-voting (link to policy for changing voting status)
    • Consent to the Kantara PII Disclosure (list disclosure)

Post Conditions (Mode 2) 

  • Create a Consent Receipt in JSON conforming the the data dictionary 
  • consent receipt with a link to all the relevant consent notices 
  • Consent Receipt Provisioned at point of consent once 


Basic Flow: See CR-Use Case Basic Site Registration



Supporting Documentation