2013-07-01 eGov Meeting Notes

1. Administrative section

Date and Time

Date: 1. July 2013

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)

Role Call

Rainer Hörbe

Keith Uber

Allan Foster

Sal D'Agostino

Anil John

Matt Stewart?

4 of 11 voting members present. Quorum not achieved.
Approval of minutes from June meeting: Not done. May approval also outstanding.
Note taker: Keith

2. Agenda

John, Ken and Colin are not on the call - relevant agenda items will be handled on the next call.

2.1. oAuth Profile for eGov

Anil John:
Regarding oAuth profile - we started profiling but there is a lack of interest by agencies at present
beta testing in process to see the applicability in government agencies in the usa
there was an internal call to government agencies to find out if they were interested, there was only one concrete response
both surprised and interested to note that the large agencies are still very much focussed on SAML and not on oAuth2
Rainer asked if there was a lack of mobile device use cases (which typically lend themselves to oAuth flows)
Anil: Mobile eGov apps at this time are mainly open data applications that do not require authn/authz
No urgency and thus no current development. "on the back burner"
A general oAuth2 profile is not seen as a priority.
Rainer: Austrian government has one use case, currently implemented with proprietary solution - not currently in production use
Proprietary solution was used prior to current standards-based approach.
Sometimes we need a mandate - parent representing kids, lawyer representing client etc... stored in centralised service. To give an IDP access to the mandatee's information, consent is required.
Keith: Finnish model uses SAML attribute query for mandates, but it is one IDP, one Attribute Authority model. 

New "Affordable care act" will possibly drive adoption through new use cases, especially in health care
Anil recommends to drop the issue for the time being from the agenda

2.2. Government of Canada’s Guideline on Identity Assurance

Ken Dagg had earlier presented Government of Canada paper, shared on the list. Sent 13.5.2013 title "Guideline on Identity Assurance Consultation Draft Apr 25 2013.pdf"

Ken asked for more comments in the Identity Assurance guidelines
Ken is not on today's call.
Postponed to August call.

2.3. Updates on national projects

Austria: We have a new B2B government portal, similar to Dutch eKernning. Has been online 1 year, has 15 SPs online. Good start. Federal to state to municipality.

Finland: Discussions between government, banks and telcos have begun for a new electronic ID platform. Very early days without public consultation at this time. At this point the rational for formation of yet another federated identity is unclear, as two (or three) federated ID hubs already exist using these same players.

Call completed at 20:22 CET

Next Meeting

Date and Time

Date: 5. August 2013

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)


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