2013-06-03 eGov Meeting Notes

1. Administrative section

Date and Time

Date: 3. June 2013

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)

Role Call

Andrew Hughes

Colin Wallis

Keith Uber

Ken Dagg

Alan Foster

Sal D'agostino

Apologies: Rainer Hörbe (Danube flooding)
4 of 11 voting members present. Quorum not achieved.
Approval of minutes from previous meeting: Not done
Note taker: Keith

2. Agenda

2.1. Request for volunteers to draft a clause on the SC27 WG5 Identity Federation clause in 24760-3 

As posted to the list, we received a reach out from the editor of the paper for a clause on Identity Federation
6 or 7 confirmed volunteers for the work (from FIWG, eGOV, InfoSharing and AIM workgroups)
Work to start soon
No volunteers from this call
Colin to report back. Expects to have a draft in a month´s time - at least for the call next month there will be something to look at. Copyright and intellectual concerns may be an issue.

2.2. EIC report

Andrew and Colin were there.


Kantara workshops were on the Monday, alongside OpenID foundation telling about OpenID connect and OASIS privacy session

Kantara had somewhere between 30-40 in the room at any one time. About 50 participants in total.

Main themes were federation, trust frameworks for identity and standardization.

The Conference proper, and the Keynotes, began Tuesday afternoon. Lots of Kantara folk present.

Excellent keynote on security and privacy aspects of mobile apps - how to manage privacy. (Prof Kai Ranneberg and ABC4Trust).

Presentation from FedICT - Belgium - Seperate logon service (psydomonus) and myEgov personal dashboard of relationship with governments

Quite advanced, based on PKI eID cards for high levels of assurance - thought provoking

Denmark Gov attended - Thomas Gundell with 3 colleagues. Denmark is refreshing services as well - power of attorney service, and a centralised service to ensure 'clean data' is shared.

German, Lithuainen and other EU governments well represented

Colin to forward notes to the list (done). 


Interesting presentation by (Privacy commissioner) Director General in the Polish Government

EU signature directive is being pushed fast to become a regulation

  • requires that each member state accepts the digitally signed authentication from other states and must also
  • must supply at least one provider of that from other states to the others
  • To be used for all government/citizen transactions, and banking
  • "not risk based" - everything in banking and government is to be classed as high-risk and require signature
  • This breaks many rules around proportionality.
  • The use of such a strong credential for "everyday use" creates an exposure

Should we present a "Considered comment" from Kantara?

The IAF Identity assurance framework of Kantara would not work in Europe as it stands.

The EU requirement presumably satisfied by a member state having a STORK IDP

Was raised at IIW by Leif Johansson, chair of Assurance Review Board

General discussion of changes in the EU directive

Draft regulation in the EU

Right to be forgotten

Implementation within a year


2.3. Terena.org TNC 2013 Maastricht

Discussed Terena conference underway. Keith listed relevant topics. Videos, slide decks and papers are now available:



2.4. Government of Canada’s Guideline on Identity Assurance

Ken Dagg presented Government of Canada paper , which he had earlier shared on the list. Sent 13.5.2013 title "Guideline on Identity AssuranceConsultation Draft Apr 25 2013.pdf"

Draft release of credential and identity assurance and standard supporting it

Guidance to departments how to set the four levels of assurance and achieve them Relying parties

9-12 months under work, mostly relying parties

Practical guide Draft for comment

Other Kantara Groups (FIWG has agreed to comment) are welcome to comment (38 pages)

--> Colin has read it - very good, useful. Valuable charts. Extending the principles into guidance. Supplied comments to Ken.

Ken welcomes input and comments from other working group members.


Next Meeting

Date and Time

Date: 1. July 2013

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)


To join the teleconference 

Skype:  +99 051 000 000 481 
Conference Id: 613-2898 
US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350  
