2013-03-04 eGov Meeting Notes

1. Administrative section

Date and Time

Date: 4. March 2013

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 08:00 NZ(+1)

Role Call

Andrew Hughes

Denny Prvu

Keith Uber

Matt Tebo

Rainer Hörbe 



Anil John

Allan Foster

Colin Wallis

Minute taker:
Keith Uber
Approval of minutes from Feb. meeting: Not approved due to lack of quorum.

2. Agenda

2.1 eGov WG Leadership Ballot

Due to non-quorate call, no approval possible. Approval to be done by secret ballot. Rainer will send information to the mailing list.

The nomination is for same persons in same positions as last year.

Chairman: Rainer Hoerbe, Identinetics GmbH

Vice Chairman Colin Wallis, Dept of Internal Affairs, New Zealand Government

Secretary: Keith Uber, Ubisecure Solutions, Inc.

2.1 Separating token/attribute model (pseudonymous credentials, late binding, ..)

No discussion on this call. Interested parties are invited to discuss issue as first agenda item at the next Attributes in Motion workgroup call. see http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/AIM

on Wednesday 20th at 3.30pm utc / 7am pacific / 10am eastern.

2.2 NZ centralized consent solution.

Colin not on call. Colin to present NZ RealMe slides on next call via Webex

3.3 Privacy Enhancing/do-not-track Web SSO

No further discussion


Keith reported about a government report by the The Swedish eIdentification Board on authentication and signing market for public services. This six page report published in 2012 details a review of the estimated costs incurred for public services during 2011 for commercial authentication and signing services. Included are transaction volumes and market share details for government services across bank and telco identity providers. Those interested in economic models for authentication services and frame agreements for public sector purchasing of strong identities may be interested.


The Swedish eIdentification Board is introducing a new SAML based federation this year (currently in pilot), which will bring changes to the current cost models.

Next Meeting

Date and Time

Date: 8. April 2013 (1. April 2013 moved because of Easter Holiday)

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 08:00 NZ(+1)

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