2013-09-02 eGov Meeting Minutes

1. Administrative section

Date and Time

Date: 2. Sep 2013

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)

Role Call

Allan Foster

Keith Uber

Thomas Gundel

Rainer Hörbe

Colin Wallis

Denny Prvu

Sal D'Agostino


Quorate call  

April minutes approved - Rainer moved, seconded by Thomas

eGov Group Charter

Colin: BoT Trustees retreat was held in Vancouver, Washington. Looking at vision and mission of Kantara. Information has been circulated elsewhere.

We need to check the charter that it aligns with the broader vision and objectives of the organization. We should show that we are supporting Interoperability and/or Assurance. Our charter is already very close to this.

Allan: We are are in the middle of both.

Colin: Identity Assurance Profile and Interoperability program - Kantara eGov Conformance Profile for SAML2 has now gone to the FIWG (along with SAML2int). We have input there for any suggested tests or requirements. That is mentioned in the second paragraph of our scope.

We have no other recommendations or drafts planned. The charter that we have does not need any change at all and will still be compliant with the new vision of the organization.

Rainer: The eGov group is somewhere between a discussion group and a working group. We have been operating more like a discussion group recently.

Colin: We could gather requirements for a service assessment criteria for eGov. The attribute management DG delivered a document for example.

Allan: DG are lightweight, easy to form - to explore things that are opening up. WG are more formalized and have output. The output should be part of the charter.

Both the eGov WG and FIWG have achieved what they set out to achieve in their charter. Is the work done or are there new items that we can work on? Such as metadata exchange.

Colin: How close are we to doing the next chunk of work? 

Allan/Colin: Possible task: Profile of the Service Assessment Criteria specifically for eGov (but does it belong in IAWG or eGov?)

Allan: We can set ourselves some work items that involves doing this analysis.

DG vs WG - one difference is representation on the LC.

Active groups are working groups

Less active groups should be discussion groups

Two items for possible work moving forward

Rainer's metadata management profile (FIWG or eGov? probably FIWG)

Profile of the Service Assessment Criteria.

Service Assessment Criteria may be attractive for funding

We have run for 6 months without defined deliverables - lots of knowledge exchange but no deliverables.

Can we postpone the decision between WG and DG until the end of the year?


The group agreed to adopt a work item that by the end of the year we will identify additional work items.


ISO24760 A framework for Identity Management

Colin gave an update on ISO24760 A framework for Identity Management

Part 1 - Terminology and concepts

Part 3 - Practice

Clause 6 - Identity federation

Kantara was approached by the editors in May to contribute.

Rainer contributed greatly to Part 2

Controls may be moved from Clause 6 to Clause 3 following feedback.

The document defines what are the elements and components of identity federation but not how it is used in practice. The "use in practice" 

Still a chance to comment - the document is in with the editors.

We have until the 10th of September to do it.

Item 3 - Government of Canada Guidelines on Identity Assurance

Ken has earlier shared Government of Canada guidelines on Identity Assurance. Ken was not on the call to comment on progress.


Item 4 - Event Reports

Recent event reports from attendees

BoT Retreat (reported by Allan/Colin above)


Item 5 Upcoming events

- Digital Enlightenment forum



Privacy Identity Innovation




World eID Conference



End of UMA interop


Item 6 - Director's corner

Went through Septermber report 


Item 7 - Danish Power of Attorney system

Thomas reports of Aug 26 - Launch to production

Phase 2

Merged two big government federation

Things are running well!

Power of attorney service - government services will be connected over the next few months. 

Next Meeting

Possible Topics (one of the following)

Patrick Curry - MACCSA (Multinational Alliance for Collaborative Cyber Situational Awareness) presentation

Colin Wallis - RealMe architecture

Date and Time

Date: 7. Oct 2013

Time: 11:00 PDT | 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CET | 06:00 NZ(+1)


To join the teleconference 

Skype:  +99 051 000 000 481 
Conference Id: 613-2898 
US Dial-In: +1-805-309-2350  
