MVCR Use Cases:

MVCR Use Cases:

Use Cases

This is a list is out of date and has been evolved and included into v.07. The latest use cases can be found in the GitHub Repository 


Consent Receipt Generation

  1. Two Party Consent Receipt

    1. Two Party is a simple version of generating a  consent receipt,
      1. Two party example is a website use case
        1. Found Here https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/ToVtB - Attached here with diagrams
      2. Other Ways to Generate a consent receipt:
        1. Text: document with a consent receipt form in it, or
        2. a consent scrape by the user with a browser plugin,
        3. a consent receipt request from the person to the company by email.
        4. Consent Receipt From Record i.e. an email box scrape
        5. Consent Receipt with API hosted by consent collector
  2. 3rd Party Consent Receipt

    1. Consent Receipt Generator:
      1. CISWG has setup a Kantara funded example  at http://api.consentreceipt.org/,  there is a  form that is uses the api here to render a Consent Receipt in the web pabe.  This is an example of a third party issuance of a consent receipt.
        1. There are different legal consideration and encryption considerations when

Implementation Use Cases

  1. Kantara CIS WG:  Join Form Can Be Found here
  2. Consent Receipt.Org Website (TBD http://www.consentreceipt.org)

Proposed CIS-Use Case  for MVCR

  • Create a "Generate" Consent Receipt Button (or code) for your website