Call Dec 1 2009
Call Dec 1 2009
These minutes have not yet been approved by the Concordia DG
Concordia Call Minutes - December 1, 2009
- Paul Madsen
- Eve Maler
- John Bradley
- John Tolbert
- Scott Cantor
- Ari Kermaier
- George Fletcher
Approval of minutes from last call
- Minutes approved
LOA survey (Paul)
- current draft http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=7l4_2fBoAF3NLUwxYl6QyK3Q_3d_3d
- under external review
Still collecting feedback, hope to finish by end of week. Then we need to decide whether to go live with surveys before holidays, or wait till after
Authz survey (John T)
- current draft http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=WqB7vvXYH2hGMkCCVO_2fudg_3d_3d (pwd k4nt474)
- ready to go live?
John T was waiting for suggested edits from Patrick Curry. Paul remembers an email from Patrick, will reach out for resend in necessary (update: closed)
Event planning
- Aim for a workshop associated with industry event?
- RSA in March 2010?
- What focus?
There have been discussions with Burton about a KI workshop at a Catalyst- either Prague in April or SD in July. Idea is to have an authz meta-theme, including Oauth, UMA & SAML/OAuth Hybrid
Group feeling is that the San Diego Catalyst more likely, many still waiting to see what travel funds they have.
John B, says on OSIS call, little interest in RSA, maybe 2nd Catalyst for an OSIS IOP
- Prague 19-22 april
- Burton - Last week of July San Diego
Some call participants indicated that 2010 travel budget restrictions are a current barrier to commitment.
John T and John B both indicated interest in the San Diego venue and timing. Perhaps there could be interest in an interop event in Burton. Ari also showed interest.
- Typo in authz survey - use cases should be plural.
- Action: Joni to update Authz survey where 'use case' should be 'use cases'.
Next Call
- December 15th, 2009
, multiple selections available,