P3-PFSG Meeting Notes 2011-01-20
P3-PFSG Meeting Notes 2011-01-20
Anna Slomovic
Jeff Stollman
Mark Lizar
Jay Unger
Trent Adams
Tom Smedinghoff
Susan Landau
Peter Capek
Bill Braithwaite
Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin
Clarification of scope for Privacy Framework
Proposed hypothesis:
- Set of general principles and requirements. (Rules, not topics. Profiles will get sector specific).
- Limited to identity management.
- General framework and set of profiles that are regional or applicable to verticals
- Working with other Kantara Work Groups to understand interdependencies and determine what should be part of the baseline framework or what should be specific to individual community of interest profiles.
- From a Kantara perspective, the organization is targeting having something comprehensive to the Fed Privacy Profile. The goal is to have a privacy framework that is adoptable particularly through the ICAM framework. The scope will eventually include RPs. We must remain focussed to reach deliverables and milestones in the interim in order to move this work forward.
Clarification of Privacy Framework subgroup scope
- What have other entities within the community done to date? What commonalities do we find useful?
- Jay suggests Scott David has produced an analytics paper that the PFSG may find useful (FIPPs on Discovery Wiki)
Tools available for the Privacy Framework group and subgroups
- Organizational discovery matrix
- Frameworks discovery matrix
- Wiki : http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/p3wg/Discovery+of+Existing+Frameworks+and+Materials
- Others?
Timing of the next phase of the work
- Discovery complete — Target : 3 March 2011
- Definitions ?(as in Lexicons and Terms) complete — Target : TBD. Championed by Jay Unger.
- Analysis start — Target : 3 March 2011
2. AOB
- None
, multiple selections available,