P3-PFSG Meeting Notes 2011-03-31

P3-PFSG Meeting Notes 2011-03-31


Anna Slomovic
Mark Lizar
Gershon Janssen
Bill Braithwaite
John Bradley
Colin Wallis
Susan Landau
Peter Capek

Joni Brennan
Rich Furr

Anna Ticktin



  • Roll Call

Scope of Privacy Framework

  • Question raised by IAF-1800: How does the IAF fit within a PF in terms of process and content for assessment criteria?
  • Mark will be representing P3 on the LC-TF-SC call scheduled for 4 April 2011.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110331-01 Mark — will suggest an agenda item for the LC-TF-SC to have wg leadership socialize their notion of where each group's work begins and ends.

Shared Health Care Use Case:

  • Anna is concerned that the use case could drive the framework instead of vice versa.
  • Bill suggests that there should be numerous use cases considered in order for the the trust framework to be all encompassing.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110331-02 Bill Braithwaite: Find out more about the state of play in the health care use case and continue to act as a liaison on this issue.
  • The group agrees to continue to build a more generic framework, until we have more direction on use cases focused on by Kantara.
  • If this information is not received, then the group agrees to pick its own use case and build a profile from there.

Principles summaries to date:

  • Use limitations will now include purpose specification.
  • Members will be continuing their work on the remaining principles and will attempt to complete those efforts during the next week.
  • The group discussed the latest work on choice structures and policy outcomes
  • Opt-in / Opt-out structures
  • Traditionally "opt-in" is privacy, "opt-out" is health care.
  • Question: What direction does this group want to pursue?

PF next steps:

  • Anna will send out some information so that the sub group may begin having substantive conversations around what the framework should look like.

3. AOB

  • None
