P3-PFSG Meeting Notes 2011-05-26

P3-PFSG Meeting Notes 2011-05-26


Bill Braithwaite
Myisha Frazier-McElveen
Anna Slomovic
Mark Lizar
Gershon Janssen
John Bradley
Tom Smeddinghof

Anna Ticktin

1. Berlin F2F summary

  • IAWG and P3 engaged in a good sync regarding understanding the RAF, DRAC and alignment of efforts to move work forward.
  • Also, with Rainer's participation there was good oversight regarding the TFW MM.
  • Question : How does privacy fit into the bigger Kantara certification process?
  • 2 things need to happen : once the PFSG develops criteria for certification, P3 needs to elevate to the IAWG / ARB.
  • At the moment there seems to be no generalized privacy framework to comply with for Kantara.

2. PF within the larger Kantara context

  • What is the PFSG interplay with the ARB regarding initial certifications and future certifications---?

3. PF work going forward

  •  ISO 29100/29101 as a jumping off point?
  • It hasn't translated privacy into the identity space.
  • It started out euro-centric and the pii definition is extremely broad
  • Do we want an inductive or deductive approach?
  • Should we start with a use case and work toward a framework or vice versa.

Next Steps:

  • Applicability to a general privacy framework to identity/trust federations
  • Reconciliation EU/US/APEC/ROW
  • Levels of Privacy Protection?

Volunteers needed for remaining work

  • With constrained bandwidth and dismal volunteer effort, does this effort in P3-PFSG continue to be useful---?
  • anna proposes that we cancel P3-PFSG and convene P3 biweekly for socialization. If the need reoccurs, then the P3 can reconvene the PF-SG to build a privacy framework.
  • ACTION ITEM 20110526-01 Anna T: to get Anna Slomovic on the next ARB telecom to address privacy issues

4. AOB

  • None
